ITK  4.10.0
Insight Segmentation and Registration Toolkit
Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
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 NitkThe "itk" namespace contains all Insight Segmentation and Registration Toolkit (ITK) classes. There are several nested namespaces within the itk:: namespace
 CAnchorUtilitiesFunctionality in common for anchor openings/closings and erosions/dilation
 CAnnulusOperatorA NeighborhoodOperator for performing a matched filtering with an annulus (two concentric circles, spheres, hyperspheres, etc.)
 CBinaryImageToLevelSetImageAdatorConverts one binary image to the appropriate level-set type provided by the template argument TLevelSet
 CCostFunctionBase class for cost functions intended to be used with Optimizers
 CCrossCompute the cross product of two vectors of dimension 3, independently of the type of the values of vector's elements
 CFEMRobustSolverA FEM solver characterized by accommodating outliers or noises in landmarks and advancing approximation to interpolation. This solver takes a FEMObject as input and outputs a deformed FEMObject
 CGradientDescentOptimizerBasev4Abstract base class for gradient descent-style optimizers
 CImageInfoA container for an image and its descriptiom
 CInterfaceWrapper for FFTW API
 CInterfaceWrapper for FFTW API
 CInvalidRequestRegionErrorException object for invalid requested region
 CitkAnalyticSignalImageFilterGenerates the analytic signal from one direction of an image
 CitkBSplineCenteredL2ResampleImageFilterBaseUses the "Centered L2" B-Spline pyramid implementation of B-Spline Filters to up/down sample an image by a factor of 2
 CitkFEMLoadNoisyLandmarkThis landmark is derived from the motion of a specific landmark, but allows the existance of noise or outliers
 CitkFFT1DComplexConjugateToRealImageFilterPerform the Fast Fourier Transform, in the reverse direction, with real output, but only along one dimension
 CitkFFT1DComplexToComplexImageFilterPerform the Fast Fourier Transform, complex input to complex output, but only along one dimension
 CitkFFT1DRealToComplexConjugateImageFilterPerform the Fast Fourier Transform, in the forward direction, with real inputs, but only along one dimension
 CitkFloatingPointExceptionsAllows floating point exceptions to be caught during program execution
 CitkTreeIteratorCloneItkTreeIteratorClone class
 CLBFGSBOptimizerHelperWrapper helper around vnl_lbfgsb
 CLBFGSBOptimizerHelperv4Wrapper helper around vnl_lbfgsb
 CMeanSquaredErrorFunction_This is the itkMeanSquaredErrorFunction_ class
 CMemoryUsageObserverProvides the memory usage of the process
 CMeshFunctionBaseBase class for mesh function object modifiers
 CQuadEdgeMeshScalarDataVTKPolyDataThis class saves a QuadMesh into a VTK-legacy file format, including its scalar data associated with points
 CQuickViewA convenient class to render itk images with vtk
 CRGBImageInfoA container for an rgb image and its descriptiom
 CVanHerkGilWermanUtilitiesFunctionality in common for anchor openings/closings and erosions/dilation
 CVNLIterativeSparseSolverTraitsGeneric interface for iterative sparse linear solver
 CVNLSparseLUSolverTraitsGeneric interface for sparse LU solver