[Insight-users] SegmentationEditor of InsightApplications

Luis Ibanez luis.ibanez at kitware.com
Thu Sep 24 12:33:24 EDT 2009

Hi Michael,

The error messages:

   error PRJ0019: A tool returned an error code from
    "Generating fltkVTKImageViewerGUI.h"    ITKVtkFltk

May be an indication that you have not provided the path to
FLTK Fluid tool to CMake.

Open your CMakeCache.txt file and search for the path
to the FLUID_EXECUTABLE. Check if it matches the location
where you installed that executable when you built FLTK.



Michael Xanadu wrote:
> Hi folks,
> I have some troubles to make two applications of InsightApllications 
> 3.14.0 run: SegmentationEditor & SegmentationEditorFltkGui. I have been 
> working with vtk & itk sucessfully for the last weeks and now I 
> additionally installed & built FLTK 1.9 & ActiveTcl I built 
> FLTK & InsightApplications sources and all seems to work fine. Now I 
> want to run both applications but:
> 1.
> I don't understand the commands from the readme.txt of 
> SegmentationEditor. It doesn't make any sense to me. Why should I change 
> the directory to the source like this (I know that I have to replace the 
> text in the brackets with my own path):
> "cd <InsightApplications-source>/SegmentationEditor/Scripts/"
> And secondly I don't have a file I can call in a path like this:
> "<InsightApplications-build>/SegmentationEditor/Wrapping/Tcl/WSTITK 
> Main.tcl"
> And if I compile the application and start the .exe I get a windows form 
> "WSTITK", which is currently empty.
> So how can I start the application?
> 2. If I try to compile the SegmentationEditorFltkGui-built I get some 
> strange errors. Does anybody know a solution?:
> Error    1    error PRJ0019: A tool returned an error code from 
> "Generating fltkVTKImageViewerGUI.h"    ITKVtkFltk   
> Error    2    error PRJ0019: A tool returned an error code from 
> "Generating fltkTimeProbesCollectorGUI.h"    ITKFltkImageViewer   
> Error    3    error PRJ0019: A tool returned an error code from 
> "Generating liFilterConsole3DGUI.cxx"    AnisotropicDiffusionFltkGui3D   
> Error    4    error PRJ0019: A tool returned an error code from 
> "Generating liFilterConsole2DGUI.cxx"    AnisotropicDiffusionFltkGui2D   
> Error    5    error PRJ0019: A tool returned an error code from 
> "Generating EditorConsoleGUI.cxx"    EditorFltkGui   
> Error    6    error PRJ0019: A tool returned an error code from 
> "Generating fltkRGBImageViewerGUI.cxx"    WatershedSegmentationFltkGui3D   
> I just wanna make one of both apps run, just wanna take a look at the 
> SegmentationEditor.
> Regards, Michael
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