[Insight-users] Using paraview to view magnitude of deformation field?

motes motes mort.motes at gmail.com
Fri Oct 30 17:20:54 EDT 2009

I have created a deformation field after running the
BSplineWarping1.cxx example on a 2D image. I have then followed:


but just with my .mhd file instead. The result in paraview is this
deformation field:


Now I would like to create a histogram of the magnitude of the
deformations.  I have therefore selected: Filters->Data
Analysis->Histogram. Under display I have selected:
GlyphVector_average(Magnitude) which gives me this:


But i don't understand the above histogram. Is the x-axis the
magnitude in pixels and the y-axis the number of vectors with that
magnitude? Since the image is 512*512 I would expected to get a
histogram for 512*512=262144 vectors. But that does not quite add up
from the above screenshot.

I assume I would get the same result using paraview compared to the
steps described here:


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