[Insight-users] Re: Questions

Luis Ibanez luis.ibanez@kitware.com
Fri, 10 May 2002 10:55:52 -0400

Hi Buu,

The MultiResMIResgitration example you are using
was nicely implemented by Lydia Ng @ Insightful.

We look with her into your questions and here
are some answers (as well as some questions):

1) Slide 8 from registered.raw and
    register008.pgm should be the same?

Yes. If you start your count for both from 0.

2)- Slide 8 from the set of refer???.pgm files is
     the original slide 8 from reference image along
     with edge derived from slide 8 of the target image?
     I would say the same for target???.pgm files?

Slide x from registered.raw should be same as register00x.pgm
Slice x from reference.raw should be same as refer00x.pgm
Slice x from target.raw should be same as target00x.pgm

Just like in the readme. In fact I use the output pgm files
for the readme.

It wasn't clear for us what you meant by
"edge derived from slide 8"?

3) Why do the .pgm files have 4 slides side-by-side?
    Does this make any difference?

We have seen this effect before (the tiling of images in
a 2x2 pattern) and seems to be a problem with the viewer
of the png image. when the pixel type of the image is
missinterpreted, this can lead to this kind of tiling
pattern.   What are you using for visualizing the png
images  ?   are you working on Windows or in Linux ?



Buu Tien Phan wrote:
> Dear Luis,
> Thank you so much for prompt reply. I started analyzing application's
> output.
> For MultiResMIResgitration example, we have a file registered.raw and three
> sets of .pgm files as the output. Suppose we take slide 8 for analyzing.
> Please correct me if I am wrong.
> - Slide 8 from registered.raw and register008.pgm should be the same?
> - Slide 8 from the set of refer???.pgm files is the original slide 8 from
> reference image along with edge derived from slide 8 of the target image? I
> would say the same for target???.pgm files?
> - Why do the .pgm files have 4 slides side-by-side? Does this make any
> difference?
> Thank you very much for your time.
> Buu Phan