[Insight-users] Re: I could not compile code in VC++.

Luis Ibanez luis . ibanez at kitware . com
Mon, 19 Aug 2002 09:30:36 -0400

Hi Jun,

The VC_Custom_project.doc indicates how to start
an external project using ITK. You don't need to
follow this document when you are trying to run
the first examples in ITK. This document is something
to attempt only after you have correctly installed
ITK and tested some of the examples.

CMake follows the hierarchy of the directory tree.
You should not run CMake on subdirectories of ITK.
It seems that you are providing an ITK subdirectory
as Source for CMake. This will not work because
a lot of generic information is configured in the
top level directories.

Please give the top Insight directory as the Source
directory for CMake. The Binary should also be the
top directory where you want all ITK to be built.

Once you configure ITK with CMake, you should find
a file ITK.dsw in the top Binary directory that
you provide to CMake. Open this .dsw file, not any
of the .dsp project files.  From the main .dsw file
you will have access to the examples.

Please let us know if you encounter further problems,




Jun Lian wrote:
> Hi, Zhao and other experts:
>      Sorry to bother you again. I did not find
> itk.dsw.
> This is what I have done to try to make ITK work on
> VC++ 6.0:
> 1)I downloaded "ITK Public Beta 2 (June. 2002)" and
> extracted to harddrive.
> 2) I read a document "VC_Custom_project.doc" under
> Document folder. I added many possible paths to
> /Tools/Options/Directory under VC++6.
> 3) I ran a windows based CMAKE, telling it source
> directory and object directory of an
> example(EdgeDetection). I did not get any errors at
> this stage.
> 4) CMAKE produced project.dsw and other files for this
> example. I opened project.dsw under VC++, compiled it
> and never worked. I also tried other examples and
> neither worked.
> Could you please give me a detail procedure of how to
> use ITK under VC++6? I double if ITK works. I need to
> make a registration examle work asap, then decide if
> it worth using ITK or just use my Matlab Image
> procesing toolbox. Do you have souce example using
> both ITK and VTK to do simele image processing task,
> like loading two images, registering, and saving
> images?
> Sorry for the long email. Thanks for the help.
> --- zhao <zhao_c_g@263.net> wrote:
>>Hi LianJun
>>	If you just open the MRIRegistration project file
>>under VC, there will be compiling errors. Because
>>samples of itk are based on some libraries such as
>>itkCommon.lib, itkIO.lib and so on. These libs need
>>to be created by compiling their project file under
>>    So, if it's your first time compiling ITK, you
>>must open ITK.dsw under VC, then select
>>MRIRegistration project as the active project and
>>compile it. The system will automatically compile
>>the related project (e.g. itkCommon, itkIO). If it's
>>not your first time compiling ITK, you need not open
>>the whole ITK workspace, because the needed libs
>>already exist.
>>	Good luck!
>>Zhao ChenGuang
>>Shanghai Jiao Tong University,
>>1954# Hua Shan Road,
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