[Insight-users] Using Example - MutualInformationEuler2DRegistration..

Jisung Kim bahrahm at yahoo . com
Mon, 12 Aug 2002 14:03:56 -0700 (PDT)


--- Venkat Anand <venkat@cs.utah.edu> wrote:
> Hi,
> I am trying to rerun the example -
> MutualInformationEuler2DRegistration.
> I used two simple images (A black filled circle on a
> white background at a
> slightly offset position in the moving imag as
> compared to the original
> image format and couldnt find any change in the
> registered image  at
> all.) 
> 1. Looking at the code, i do see the support for PNG
> images..? any
> pointers?

Yes, it supports only 2d grayscale PNG format images.

> 2. I tried to rework the code for Affine
> transformation..(the code given
> in the example was for rigid transformation) and
> still couldnt find any
> improvements.

It does image registration based on the selected
region from the fixed image. When you load an image as
an fixed image, the selected region is automatically
set as the whole image (look at the "Selected Region"
group on the GUI.) To change the selected region, you
have to open a viewer by selecting "Fixed image" from
the drop down list and click the "Show" button in the
"Dispaly"Group. On that viewer, drag the mouse to draw
a box. Then the region is selected. 

However, in your case, I believe the whole image as
the selected region would be fine.

You can experiment with the "advanced options" that
you  can see on the dialog box that opens when you
click the "Advanced Options" button on the main
window. If your moving image were slightly moved in x
and y direction and no rotation, I think current
seeting should works. 

I am sorry, but I don't know why it didn't work for
you. Did the viewers for the "fixed image" and the
"moving image" show right images?

> Any help appreciated.
> -- Venkat
> ******************************
> Venkatanand Venkatachalapathy
> ph: (H) 801 533 0387 
> http://www.cs.utah.edu/~venkat
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Jisung Kim
106 Mason Farm Rd.
129 Radiology Research Lab., CB# 7515
Univ. of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Chapel Hill, NC 27599-7515

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