[Insight-users] Question about registration methods.

Luis Ibanez luis . ibanez at kitware . com
Mon, 12 Aug 2002 15:58:53 -0400

Hi Linglan,

Rigid and Affine registration are implemented in ITK.

In fact, the Registration Framework allows to select
any Transform to be used for registration.

This can be done at run time by plugging a Transform class
into the RegistrationMethod.

Minimal Examples of Rigid and Affine Registration can be found in:


itkImageRegistrationMethodTest_1.cxx  = Affine + MeanSquare
itkImageRegistrationMethodTest_2.cxx  = Affine + PatternIntensity
itkImageRegistrationMethodTest_5.cxx  = Affine + NormalizedCorrelation
itkImageRegistrationMethodTest_13.cxx = Affine + MutualInformation
itkImageRegistrationMethodTest_14.cxx = Rigid + MutualInformation

More complete examples can be found in the "Insight/Examples"

1) An Example of 3D RigidRegistration can be found in:


    This is a small but complete application with fltk-GUI and IO.
    It reads MetaImage files (like the ones adapted from the BrainWeb)

    or the ones that you can build by using the MetaImageImporter
    application in:


2) A similar example for 2D is available at:

    (again with an FLTK GUI)
    This one loads 2D MetaImages and PNG files.

3) Another example of Rigid Registration can be found in:

   (with fltk gui, and loading 2D MetaImage and PNG files)

4) An example combining both Rigid and Affine Transforms
    in a MultiResolution framework with MutualInformation
    metric can be found at:



Please let us know if you would like to have more details
about any of these examples.




Linglan Edwards wrote:
> In the documentation(Doxygen/html/group__ImageRegistration.html), there are 
> three items listed under Image Registration Methods:
> 	Rigid Registration Methods
> 	Affine Registration Methods
> 	Deformable Registration Methods.
> Under that, I found documentation about deformation Registration methods, but 
> nothing under rigid and affine registration methods. Are they implemented? If 
> so, where do I find them? Are there any examples?
> Thanks,
> Linglan
> ============================
> Linglan Edwards, Ph.D.
> Senior Software Engineer
> National Library of Medicine
> Phone: (301) 435-3147
> Email: linglan@nlm.nih.gov
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