ITK  4.10.0
Insight Segmentation and Registration Toolkit
* Copyright Insight Software Consortium
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#include "itkParticleSwarmOptimizerDOMWriter.h"
namespace itk
ParticleSwarmOptimizerDOMWriter::GenerateData( DOMNodeType* outputdom, const void* ) const
LoggerType* logger = this->GetLogger();
const InputType* input = this->GetInput();
// In general users should not remove the constness of the input object when generating
// the corresponding XML DOM; however, some "Get" methods of PSO used here do not have the
// "const" modifier due to the use of itkGetMacro instead of itkGetConstMacro, so we
// have to use a workaround here by temporarily removing the constness of the input object,
// but users should never modify the input object during the writing process.
ParticleSwarmOptimizer* ipobj = const_cast<ParticleSwarmOptimizer*>(input);
outputdom->SetName( "optimizer" );
outputdom->SetAttribute( "type", "ParticleSwarmOptimizer" );
// use a StringObject instead of a std::string in order to pickup the right overloaded
// "operator<<()" functions for writing PSO data to strings
FancyString s;
logger->Info( "writing NumberOfParticles ...\n" );
s << ClearContent << ipobj->GetNumberOfParticles();
outputdom->SetAttribute( "NumberOfParticles", s );
logger->Info( "writing MaximumNumberOfIterations ...\n" );
s << ClearContent << ipobj->GetMaximalNumberOfIterations();
outputdom->SetAttribute( "MaximumNumberOfIterations", s );
logger->Info( "writing InertiaCoefficient ...\n" );
s << ClearContent << ipobj->GetInertiaCoefficient();
outputdom->SetAttribute( "InertiaCoefficient", s );
logger->Info( "writing GlobalCoefficient ...\n" );
s << ClearContent << ipobj->GetGlobalCoefficient();
outputdom->SetAttribute( "GlobalCoefficient", s );
logger->Info( "writing PersonalCoefficient ...\n" );
s << ClearContent << ipobj->GetPersonalCoefficient();
outputdom->SetAttribute( "PersonalCoefficient", s );
std::vector<double> lbound;
std::vector<double> ubound;
ParticleSwarmOptimizer::ParameterBoundsType bounds = ipobj->GetParameterBounds();
for ( size_t i = 0; i < bounds.size(); i++ )
lbound.push_back( bounds[i].first );
ubound.push_back( bounds[i].second );
// generate and insert the DOM node for the lower bound of the parameters
logger->Info( "writing LowerBound ...\n" );
nodelb->SetName( "bound" );
nodelb->SetAttribute( "id", "lower" );
nodelb->SetAttribute( "value", s << ClearContent << lbound );
outputdom->AddChildAtEnd( nodelb );
// generate and insert the DOM node for the upper bound of the parameters
logger->Info( "writing UpperBound ...\n" );
nodeub->SetName( "bound" );
nodeub->SetAttribute( "id", "upper" );
nodeub->SetAttribute( "value", s << ClearContent << ubound );
outputdom->AddChildAtEnd( nodeub );
logger->Info( "writing ParametersConvergenceTolerance ...\n" );
nodeptols->SetName( "ParametersConvergenceTolerance" );
outputdom->AddChildAtEnd( nodeptols );
s << ClearContent << (Array<double>)ipobj->GetParametersConvergenceTolerance(); // the casting is necessary to select the right templated function
nodeptols->AddTextChildAtEnd( s );
logger->Info( "writing FunctionConvergenceTolerance ...\n" );
s << ClearContent << ipobj->GetFunctionConvergenceTolerance();
outputdom->SetAttribute( "FunctionConvergenceTolerance", s );
logger->Info( "writing ConvergedPercentageToStop ...\n" );
s << ClearContent << ipobj->GetPercentageParticlesConverged();
outputdom->SetAttribute( "ConvergedPercentageToStop", s );
} // namespace itk