[Insight-users] itkGPUKernelManager compile error

Denis Shamonin dshamoni at gmail.com
Mon May 27 08:07:08 EDT 2013

Hi Xiaoxiao,

I would like to do it. And I have a clear vision how to make the OpenCL
foundation for ITK4.

But in fact, to make it better would require much more work then just a
simple merging.
I have already some draft version of major improvements.
But I am pretty much occupied with my current projects and I have little
time and budget to work on it.

-Denis Shamonin

On Mon, May 27, 2013 at 1:43 PM, Xiaoxiao Liu <xiaoxiao.liu at kitware.com>wrote:

> Hi Denis,
>    Would you like to work on a gerrit patch<http://www.itk.org/Wiki/ITK/Git/Develop>from your Insight Journal submission code and merge it to ITK upstream ? I
> am sure many more other ITK community members could benefit from it. It
> might also make it easier to maintain your ITK projects.
>    Once it is on gerrit, you could invite other ITK GPU expert to review
> it.
>    Thank you!
> -Xiaoxiao
> On Mon, May 27, 2013 at 7:13 AM, Denis Shamonin <dshamoni at gmail.com>wrote:
>> Hi,
>> 1. The localWorkSize is not supported in the current implementation
>> OpenCL module in ITK4.
>> 2. Download and use the patched version from the The Insight Journalarticle
>> http://hdl.handle.net/10380/3393
>> -Denis Shamonin
>> On Mon, May 27, 2013 at 11:40 AM, Lodron, Gerald <
>> Gerald.Lodron at joanneum.at> wrote:
>>>  Hi
>>> I activated the gpu in ITK 4.3.2 with opencl of cuda v5 and vs2008 sp1
>>> x64 and get following error in itkGPUKernelManager:
>>> D:\Develop\Source\InsightToolkit-4.3.2\Modules\Core\GPUCommon\src\itkGPUKernelManager.cxx(393)
>>> : error C2065: 'localWorkSizeX' : undeclared identifier
>>> Here the code snippet
>>>  bool GPUKernelManager::LaunchKernel2D(int kernelIdx,
>>>                                       size_t globalWorkSizeX, size_t
>>> globalWorkSizeY,
>>>                                       size_t
>>> itkNotUsed(localWorkSizeX),  size_t itkNotUsed(localWorkSizeY) )
>>> {
>>>   if(kernelIdx < 0 || kernelIdx >= (int)m_KernelContainer.size() )
>>> return false;
>>>   if(!CheckArgumentReady(kernelIdx) )
>>>     {
>>>     itkWarningMacro("GPU kernel arguments are not completely assigned");
>>>     return false;
>>>     }
>>>   size_t gws[2], lws[2];
>>>   gws[0] = globalWorkSizeX;
>>>   gws[1] = globalWorkSizeY;
>>>   lws[0] = localWorkSizeX;
>>>   lws[1] = localWorkSizeY;
>>> localWorkSizeX is undefined, seems that itkNotUsed is missing/undefined
>>> Any suggestions? Thanks in advance
>>> *JOANNEUM RESEARCH Forschungsgesellschaft mbH*
>>> *DIGITAL – Institute for Information and Communication Technologies*
>>> Steyrergasse 17, 8010 Graz, Austria
>>> phone: +43 316 876-1751
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>>> e-mail: *gerald.lodron at joanneum.at* <gerald.lodron at joanneum.at>
>>> web: *www.joanneum.at/digital* <http://www.joanneum.at/digital>
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> --
> ---------------------------------------------
> *Xiaoxiao Liu*, Ph.D.
> R & D Engineer
> Kitware Inc <http://www.kitware.com/>.
> Clifton Park, NY
> Phone: (518) 881-4924  or  (518) 371-3971 x124
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