[Insight-users] ConnectPipelines ITK with VTK

Massi Massinissa.Bandou at USherbrooke.ca
Tue Sep 18 11:50:36 EDT 2012

Hi everyone!

I'm trying to read a series of Dicoms and generate a volume and sent it to
VTK using connectPiplines.I have combined the code from
itkReadITKImageShowVTK.cpp file and DicomSeriesReadImageWrite2.cpp file

I added the following headers:
#include "itkCommand.h"
#include "itkImage.h"
#include "itkVTKImageExport.h"
#include "itkVTKImageImport.h"
#include "vtkImageThreshold.h"
#include "vtkImageImport.h"

My problem is that when I write the ConnectPipelines function. It doesn't
recognize any class from the importer!! I got a warning message saying
Unable to resolve identifier SetUpdateInformationCallback
template <typename ITK_Exporter, typename VTK_Importer>
void ConnectPipelines(ITK_Exporter exporter, VTK_Importer* importer)
// warning
  importer->SetWholeExtentCallback(exporter->GetWholeExtentCallback());  //
  importer->SetCallbackUserData(exporter->GetCallbackUserData()); // warning

can anyone help me to figure this out?


View this message in context: http://itk-users.7.n7.nabble.com/ConnectPipelines-ITK-with-VTK-tp29503.html
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