[Insight-users] ITK Image Memory Layout (now as text)

Jakob Schluttig jakob.schluttig at gmail.com
Fri Jun 29 07:19:43 EDT 2012

Dear all,

First I have to apologize my first post this morning which was sent as
html by accident :( . Sorry!

I am very new to ITK and have a probably very simple question I could
not find a clear answer for using google and the standard
documentation (I also skipped through the Doxygen documentation, but I
was not able to dive into the code as deep as the answer to my
question would require :( ).

3D data typically requires large amounts of memory - in the orders of
100MB - 1000MB . It is typically not a good idea to allocate data
ranges that large as a single big chunk of memory. So I wonder: If I
set up a large 3D image with ITK - is the memory split up internally
(like volume slices or whatever)? Or does ITK try to do something like
(probably a bit oversimplified, but it should make clear what I mean)

float *p = new p [1024*1024*1024];


Many thanks for clarification and best regards,

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