[Insight-users] converting Nifti to gray graph

Ulrich Aretz ulrich.aretz at googlemail.com
Tue May 10 06:07:59 EDT 2011

Hello Users,

I want to convert nifti images to the gray graph format used by mrGray
(previous version of ITKGray).
The gray graph format is needed as input file of mrUnfold and HFM
There is a hint at the following page:


   1. Run the function *itkGray2mrGrayClass* with no arguments. You will be
   prompted to select the t1_class.nii.gz file. This function will create two
   new subdirectories, *Left/* and *Right/*, in the same anatomy directory
   as the NIFTI file. Within the Left/ and Right/ folders will be mrGray
   classification file, *Left/Left.Class* and *Right/Right.Class.*
   2. Open mrGray on a Windows machine. (The path to mrGray in the vistasoft
   repository is vistasoft/trunk/mrAnatomy/MrGray/mrGray.exe.)
   3. Create a new project, named "Left.mrp" in the left hemsiphere
   4. Select the menus *File | Classification | Load*, and select the *
   Left.Class* file created in step 2.
   5. Select the menu *Classification | Grow Gray Matter*. Press OK.
   6. Save the gray graph. Select gray matter by holding down Control and
   left-clicking it. It should change color. Then select *File | Save
   Selected Gray*, and choose OK. (*Left.Gray* is a good default name for

Steps 1-5 run. My problem is step number 6: mrGray do not grow the gray
matter. It just do nothing. So I cannot save the gray graph.

Does anybody know this problem?
Or do you know another way how to solve the converting problem?

Thanks for help.

Sincerely yours,
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