No subject

Wed Oct 7 22:37:18 EDT 2009

in the GDCM version that we have with ITK, and that
potentially it may have been fixed in GDCM 2.0.

At least, it seems that this is what we concluded here:

after several email exchanges and experiments on your side.

I still don't see why should relate to Qt in any way,

a) There is a memory issue, such as an uninitialized variable,
     or a singleton that is initialized in an incorrect order, or

b) QT may define symbols that are conflicting with GDCM

Could you please file a bug report in the bug tracker ?



On Thu, Feb 4, 2010 at 4:05 AM, Sebastian Ganger <s.ganger at> wro=

> It's about this topic:
> It deals with a problem that seems to correlate with Qt and ITK, I stumbl=
> across the same problem, but fixed it. So I wanted to give you a brief
> description if it occurs again.
> I am running Ubuntu9.10 with latest CMAKE, ITK, VTK(stable releases, not
> nightly builds) and Qt. I copied the code from the
> DicomSeriesReadImageWrite2 in the "Examples/IO" dir into a push button in=
> QTWidget.
> The data read is then send after translating it to a QVTKWidget. This wor=
> fine for this image sets:
> and
> with the "wrix"/5MB/MRI"
> The example itself, when it was not used in the function of the push butt=
> worked for every sample data, but when it was implemented i got the
> "orientation error" mentioned in the topic.
> Only the brain and the WRIX Example worked. I figured out that it might b=
> an issue with GDCM altough the right libraries where linked.
> The solution mentioned wasn't possible in any way for me, because of havi=
> the latest ubuntu and toolkits installed.
> I followed all the steps mentioned in the topic, and nothing worked, but =
> had all updates and the latest versions installed.
> What solved the problem for me then, was installing GDCM from source
> (v2.0.13), and then linking it to ITK with the config in ccmake.
> After making and make install of ITK once again, everything worked fine.
> I hope this helps you, either in finding the bug, or if the problem occur=
> again to other users.
> Greetings from Austria,
> Ganger Sebastian
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