[Insight-users] Question about Image Import Filter

Luis Ibanez luis.ibanez at kitware.com
Sun Oct 25 17:20:32 EDT 2009

Hi Aya,

The error of "Access violation exception" typically
happens when the pixel buffer that has been passed
to the import filter:

A) Is not allocated, or
B) When it is not of the right size (in number of pixels), or
C) When the pixel type is of incorrect size

Please post to the mailing list the following information:

1) Size of  your image (number of pixels along X, Y, Z)
2) Pixel type (char, int, float ?)
3) The lines of code where you configured the import filter.


On Sun, Oct 25, 2009 at 10:03 AM, Aya El Gebeely
<aya.elgebeely at symbyo.com> wrote:
> Hi Luiz,
> I was trying the image import filter, and it loaded the data from memory
> successfully ...
> The issue now that I wanted to get its output as an input to a filters
> pipeline:
>  As it was written in the ITKSoftwareGuide page 49,
> "we can connect the output of this filter to a pipeline. For simplicity we
> just use a writer
> here, but it could be any other filter.
> writer->SetInput( importFilter->GetOutput() );"
> I want to get the output of imageImportFilter as an input to
> theDiscreteGaussianImageFilter :
>   filter->SetInput( importFilter->GetOutput());
> However, It raises an "Access violation exception" .
> Would you help me to figure out the reason for this exception ?
> Regards,
> Aya R. ElGebeely
> Software Engineer
> Symbyo Technologies

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