[Insight-users] Example: Setting landmarks in 3D using QT/ITK/VTK

David Doria daviddoria+itk at gmail.com
Wed Oct 21 18:55:28 EDT 2009

On Tue, Oct 20, 2009 at 9:15 AM, Dirk <body at nabla.org> wrote:
> Dear listmembers,
> I programmed an example in which itkImageFileReader is used to load a
> 3D image which is then viewed in a QVTKImage with the help of
> vtkImageViewer2.
> Points / landmarks can be set with the mouse and a vtkPointWidget
> and be saved as a vtkPolyData .vtk file afterwards.
> Everything in a nice QT GUI.
> I am new to VTK/ITK and it took some time to put everything together.
> Perhaps this will help anyone who is trying to achieve something
> similar.
> Check it out at http://github.com/dirkboye/myImageLandmarker
> or directly clone it with
> git clone git://github.com/dirkboye/myImageLandmarker.git
> Cheers,
> Dirk
> __


I just started looking into doing this from inside Paraview with
polydata rather than imagedata. The idea was the to be able to apply
the landmark filter to manually register two data sets without ever
leaving paraview. Do you think there is anything that could be taken
from this for my effort? Or should we leave this in a standalone QT
app and I'll continue doing it for Paraview?



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