[Insight-users] UnaryFunctorImageFilter and MetaDataDictionnary

Julien Michel julien.michel at c-s.fr
Thu Oct 15 09:51:58 EDT 2009

Dear ITK developpers,

Lately I bumped again into a bug which I first reported in 2007 on ITK 
users list :

I found back the issue I reported in Mantis 
and it seems it was not fixed because one can not be sure that the 
MetaDataDictionary still makes sense after some filter (which is a good 

I think we still need to copy the Dictionnary in most of the cases. 
Maybe we could add a CopyMetaDataDictionnary flag in the base class set 
to true by default and which could be used to deactivate the copy of the 
dictionnary when it does not make sense.

Does it sounds like an acceptable solution to you ?

Many thanks,

Best regards,


Julien MICHEL - Ingénieur d'études - Traitement d'images
CS Systèmes d'Information - Division ESPACE
Département Information Géographique & Image
Téléphone : +33 561 17 64 27
Email : julien.michel at c-s.fr


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