[Insight-users] Reading DICOM-RT with vtkGDCMPolyDataReader as supposed by Charles Wang

Lodron, Gerald Gerald.Lodron at joanneum.at
Mon Oct 5 08:44:37 EDT 2009

Hello ITK users group,

I am trying to read (and display) DICOM RT Structure Sets. On http://www.insight-journal.org/browse/publication/316 I found a nice hint in the review section of Charles Wang. I tried to implement it with the following code:

vtkGDCMPolyDataReader * PolyReader = vtkGDCMPolyDataReader::New();

PolyReader->SetFileName( argv[1] );



vtkPolyData * polyData = PolyReader->GetOutput();

But when I look at the object polyData I only see strange results:

int a = polyData->GetNumberOfCells();//1

int b = polyData->GetNumberOfLines();//0

int c = polyData->GetNumberOfPieces();//1

int d = polyData->GetNumberOfPoints();//1

int e = polyData->GetNumberOfPolys();//1

int f = polyData->GetNumberOfStrips();//0

int g = polyData->GetNumberOfVerts();//0

For sure, also the displaying of those object fails. So I think that the reader stops after the first point reading, does anybody (maybe Charles Wang) know how to read those RT Structure Sets without modifying the PolyReader object and without writing a new parser? Would be very great, special thanks to all helpers!

Best regards,

Gerald Lodron
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