[Insight-users] Wrapping a custom C++ function in Python

Julien Lamy lamy at unistra.fr
Mon Jun 8 09:12:03 EDT 2009

Hi list,
I'm trying to wrap a simple C++ function in Python using WrapITK, but 
the Python script fails with the following traceback :
TypeError: in method 'test_wrapper', argument 1 of type 'itk::Image< 
unsigned short,3 > *'

WrapITK otherwise works fine (thank you for those wrappers :) )

My C++ function is :

     bool test_wrapper(itk::Image<unsigned short, 3>::Pointer input)
         std::cout << input->GetRequestedRegion().GetSize() << std::endl;

My Python script is :
     import numpy
     import itk
     from Wrapper import test_wrapper

     data = numpy.arange(3*5*7, dtype=numpy.uint16).reshape((3,5,7))
     image_itk = itk.PyBuffer[itk.Image[itk.US, 3]].GetImageFromArray(data)

My SWIG wrapper is :

     %module Wrapper
     #include "test_Wrapper.hpp"

     bool test_wrapper(itk::Image<unsigned short, 3> * input);

Is there a specific module I should add to the SWIG wrapper ? I'm using 
ITK 3.14, SWIG 1.3.35, gcc 4.3.2, and Python 2.5.2.

Thanks in advance,
Julien Lamy

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