[Insight-users] Current state of "Active Contours without edges" in Review folder? - Example?

alex gouaillard alexandre_gouaillard at hms.harvard.edu
Thu Jul 16 11:46:54 EDT 2009

hi amardeep,

thanks for using the code and giving us feedback.

the three IJ submissions you cite are based on the same implementation  
of chan and vesse but describe three different things. Not to confuse  
the reader we separated them:

- Level Set Segmentation: Active Contours without edge
describe the notion of contour without edges, and our implementation  
of Chan and Vesse in ITK. It is not related to any given image type or  
field of research.

- level set segmentation using coupled active surfaces
describe a MULTIPHASE implementation of the above mentioned algorithm.  
This is the first time a multiphase level set is implemented in ITK  
and we describe the rationale behind our implementation

- Cell Tracking using Coupled Active Surfaces for Nuclei and Membranes
Is more dedicated to cell segmentation in microscopy images. Level set  
formulation is extended to have non overlapping multiphase level set  
evolve concurrently, and to also handle concurrent evolution of two  
level sets, one on the nuclei (channel) image one on the membrane  
(channel) image. It's a way to introduce a-priori information (a  
nuclei resides within the corresponding membrane) in the level set  
model. It is very specific.

Now, the code in IJ is "old" and suffers from limitations. The code in  
Review, thanks to multiple feedback from the community, has been  
greatly improved and is the version you should use. There is still  
work to be done (see here for a follow up: http://sourceforge.net/apps/trac/gofigure2/wiki/ITKRegionBasedLevelSet 
  ) and we are currently addressing it.

Kishore mosaliganti, who lead this effort, is currently porting quite  
a few tests / examples into Code\Review. He will get back to you very  
shortly with pointers to those tests.

Please keep sending us feedback.



On Jul 16, 2009, at 11:17 AM, Amardeep Singh wrote:

> Dear ITK Users
> I would like to use the "Active Contours without edges" algorithm,  
> which
> is available in
> the Review directory if I understood correctly.
> So, I am wondering where I can find an example about how to use the
> algorithm. I tried to run the
> "ScalarSinglePhase3DTest" example of the Insight Journal submission,  
> but
> it failed to compile.
> The first error read:
> /applications/ScalarSinglePhase3DTest.cc:4:52: error:
> itkSparseMultiphaseLevelSetImageFilter.h: No such file or directory
> I am a little confused by the multitudes of implementations that are
> available with respect to this
> algorithm, at the moment (3 Insight Journal submission + Review).
> Can someone tell me where to start and how to get it running?
> Thanks a lot!
> Best regards
> Amardeep
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