[Insight-users] Strategies for registering "Large" images

Mathieu Malaterre mathieu.malaterre at gmail.com
Tue Jan 20 06:40:20 EST 2009

On Mon, Jan 19, 2009 at 9:35 PM, Michael Jackson
<mike.jackson at bluequartz.net> wrote:
>  I have some images that are 7446x8332 pixels in width and height. From
> experimenting with the images I know there are both translational and
> rotation components to the registration that needs to take place. I tried
> feeding both images into the 2DCenteredRegistration example (with
> appropriate changes) but the program just seems to do nothing. Does not
> crash, but does not put out any progress text and doesn't take any CPU time
> either. It (the program) just seems like it is idle or something.
>  Is there some sort of limit to the size of images I can feed into the
> registration algorithms by any chance (Probably only based on available
> memory would be my guess).
>  Also, is there a way to load just one "corner" of each image and align
> based on those corners instead of having to load each image in its entirety?
> Is this a good idea?

I would use ShrinkImageFilter to degrade the image to a tolerable size
and double-check.


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