[Insight-users] Error in the file itkCovarianceSampleFilterTest.cc

Ricardo Ferrari rjf.araraquara at gmail.com
Sun Dec 27 18:41:07 EST 2009

 I would like to point out an error in the itkCovarianceSampleFilterTest.
   cc located in the folder ITK/Insight/Testing/Code/
   Please notice that in the current cvs repository code we have
     if ( ( vcl_fabs( mean[0] - mean[0]) > epsilon )  ||
          ( vcl_fabs( mean[1] - mean[1]) > epsilon)  ||
          ( vcl_fabs( mean[2] - mean[2]) > epsilon) )
       std::cerr << "Mean parameter value retrieved using GetMean() and the
                     are not the same:: " <<  mean << "," << mean2 <<
       return EXIT_FAILURE;
   The correct should be
     if ( ( vcl_fabs( mean[0] - mean2[0]) > epsilon )  ||
          ( vcl_fabs( mean[1] - mean2[1]) > epsilon)  ||

- Ignored:
          ( vcl_fabs( mean[2] - mean2[2]) > epsilon) )
       std::cerr << "Mean parameter value retrieved using GetMean() and the
                     are not the same:: " <<  mean << "," << mean2 <<
       return EXIT_FAILURE;
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