[Insight-users] label object manipulation

lynx.abraxas at freenet.de lynx.abraxas at freenet.de
Tue Aug 4 16:45:30 EDT 2009

Dear Gaëtan,

I'm  wondering how the surface (GetPerimeter()) is calculated in the analysis.
Since I want to get a marchingcube-surface of the labels into blender would it
be better to evaluate the surface of the mesh then?

Since You are also an expert for wrapITK:
Will  I  need  ItkVtkGlue  for  the  import  of the itk marchingcube-mesh into
blender over VTKBlender.py? How would I find out more about all the  available
functions in python then to find the right ones for this task?

Many thanks for Your help.

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