[Insight-users] itk::SparseFieldLevelSetImageFilter

Luca Antiga luca.antiga at gmail.com
Wed Nov 26 03:35:28 EST 2008

Hi Brady,
  during all iterations, only pixels close to the zero level set have  
meaningful values,
but all pixels have meaningful signs (negative inside, positive  
outside), so it should
be easy to do what you want to do.
Best reagards


On Nov 26, 2008, at 4:34 AM, Brady McCary wrote:

> Insight-users,
> The class documentation I am referring to is here:
> http://www.itk.org/Doxygen/html/ 
> classitk_1_1SparseFieldLevelSetImageFilter.html
> Concerning the documentation and function of
> itk::SparseFieldLevelSetImageFilter, in the OUTPUTS section, it says
> that values around the active list will be the signed distance
> transform to the zero level set and otherwise it will be a fixed
> positive/negative value.
> In the PARAMETERS section, it says that in your computation you must
> use an appropriate number of layers and that if you do not use enough
> you may pull in random/arbitrary values from the background.
> At every iteration I am interested in the sign of the level set
> function at every pixel, not just those close to the zero level set. I
> am not sure what the documentation is saying. It is probably saying
> one of these:
> 1. During all iterations, only pixels close to the zero level set have
> meaning values and meaningful signs.
> 2. During all iterations, only pixels close to the zero level set have
> meaning values, but all pixels have meaningful signs.
> Could someone clarify this point?
> I am looking through the documentation for a way to, e.g., create an
> inside/outside mask (or an itk::SpatialObject with inside/outside) of
> the current iteration in an itk::SparseFieldLevelSetImageFilter.
> Thanks!
> Brady
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