[Insight-users] ITK -TCON 2.0 : Second Life : Preparation Test today at 1:pm

Luis Ibanez luis.ibanez at kitware.com
Fri Aug 15 11:13:17 EDT 2008

A quick reminder that today we will be helping people to
prepare for the first ITK Tcon 2.0 of August 22nd.

Please join us in Second Life, and participate on the training
session on how to use the meeting features. In this way we
should be able to proceed smoothly next week in the first Tcon.

Instructions are in the Wiki page:

You can teleport to the site by using the following link

and you should arrive to a place that look like the following screenshot:

Once there we will be testing audio (voice over IP) and
testing the best way of looking at the ITK Dashboard.

The Second Life client can be downloaded from:

and remember that you will need speakers (and headphones) and a

However, you are welcome to visit, even if your audio equipment
is not yet set up, in that case you can follow the instructions
in the chat window.



Luis Ibanez wrote:
> The ITK Weekly phone conference has been for the past nine years
> one of the main vehicles of communication and coordination among
> developers.
> However, given the growth, and particularly the internationalization
> of the developers team. The phone conference is no longer being
> inclusive enough to fulfill its original purpose effectively.
> We are therefore experimenting with new technologies hopping to find
> a new method of communication that can effectively include developers
> from different geographical zones.
> In a first experiment, we will hold the ITK Tcon of
>                Friday August 22nd, 2008
>                   1:00pm  - 2:00pm
>                  EST (New York Time)
> In the virtual World of
>                    "Second Life"
>               http://secondlife.com/
> The location for the meeting will be the
>          "Linden Open Source Project HQ"
> You can *teleport* to this location by clicking on the following link:
> http://slurl.com/secondlife/Hippotropolis/238/14/24/?img=http%3A//public.kitware.com/Insight/Doxygen/html/itkLogo.jpg&title=ITK%20Tcon&msg=Insight%20Toolkit%20%28ITK%29%20Tcon 
> ----
> Second Life is a virtual environment that is currently used by many
> academic institutions including:
>     * MIT
>     * Princeton
>     * Harvard
>     * Stanford
>     * Duke University
>     * UNC-Chapel Hill
>     * University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.
> For a full list, please see following link:
> http://www.simteach.com/wiki/index.php?title=Institutions_and_Organizations_in_SL#UNIVERSITIES.2C_COLLEGES_.26_SCHOOLS 
> -----
> In order to visit Second Life, you must install a the Second Life Client
> in your computer. The Client is Open Source software, distributed under
> a GPL License, [ and it is configured with CMake :-) ]
> You can download binaries for Windows, Linux and Mac from:
>            http://secondlife.com/support/downloads.php
> Then, you must create an account (it is free of charge), at:
>         https://secure-web23.secondlife.com/join/index.php
> If you already have a Second Life account for you personal purposes,
> you may want to consider creating a second account, so you can customize
> it better for participating in a professional setting.
>         a) Skip the step of joining a community
>         b) Select an Avatar
>         c) Select a First Name
>            (these names are fictitious, please feel free to express
>             yourself, but be sensitive to what other cultures may
>             consider offensive).
>         d) Your Second Life Last name will be selected from a limited
>            list. Again, it is up to your preferences.
> Once you have a First Name, Last Name and Password, you will be
> able to launch the client and to log in. After logging in, you can
> click on the SLURL (Second Life URL) listed above, to teleport to
> the "Linden Open Source Project HQ".
> You will need speakers (or headphones) and a microphone, to be able
> to participate in the discussions of the Tcon. There is also a text
> messaging capability that we can use for coordination, but we mostly
> anticipate to be using voice communication.
> For more details please see:
>      http://www.itk.org/Wiki/ITK_in_Second_Life
> We will run a preliminary test this Friday August 15th at 1pm EST
> Please join us on Friday August 15th if you want to test your
> installation and audio equipment, so you will be prepared for
> the Tcon of August 22nd.
> Draft agendas for these Tcons are now in the Wiki at:
>   August 15th:   http://www.itk.org/Wiki/Agenda%26Status_082208
>   August 22nd:   http://www.itk.org/Wiki/Agenda%26Status_081508
>   Please let us know if you find any difficulties joining in.
>         Thanks
>            Luis

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