[Insight-users] lsm reader fails for 2 channels ?

Alex. GOUAILLARD hanfei at caltech.edu
Tue Sep 18 20:20:27 EDT 2007

hi all,

I tried the itkLSMImageIO filter on a two channels image 
(http://www.creatis.insa-lyon.fr/~agouaillard/LSMReaderTest/) and it 
failed. The image is a 512*680, with two 12 bits channels.

No test is provided on the toolkit for an lsm file with two channels. I 
used the exisitng test (Testing/Code/IO/itkLSMImageIOTest.cxx) and 
modified the pixeltype to be:

typedef itk::Vector< float, 2 >  InputPixelType;

and had the following error message:
"Sorry, can not handle RGB image with color channels=2."
which comes from the itktiff lib (tif_getimage.c:138), and
"Cannot read TIFF image or as TIFF RGBA image" which comes from 

Am I doing something wrong with the image type, or shall I fill a bug 


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