[Insight-users] itk qt problem - also with qmake

Philipp Farr Rainbowfrog at web.de
Tue Sep 13 06:32:33 EDT 2005


I once posted to the mailinglist with my Problem about using Itk and Qt together with CMake.
Because of this problems I was also allowed to use qmake instead of Cmake, and I tried what was described in this thread:


However, this also doesn't work.Maybe I'm doing something wrong with the ITK_DIR and the ITK_SOURCE_DIR which are mentioned in the Thread of the above link? 
I thought I only had to use the libs in the binary directory of itk, so I replaced both paths by C:/ITK , where Itk is installed on my computer.
My .pro file looks like this:


#inserted by me:
CONFIG += qt warn_on debug

# Input,classes of my project
HEADERS += PicDisplay.h PictureData.h PicWidget.h 
SOURCES += main.cxx PicDisplay.cxx PictureData.cxx PicWidget.cxx

# itk plugin support


count( USE_ITK_PLUGINS, 1 ) {
message ( compiling with ITK plugins ... )


# itk stuff

$C:/ITK/Code/Common \
$C:/ITK/Code/BasicFilters \
$C:/ITK/Code/Algorithms \
$C:/ITK/Code/SpatialObject \
$C:/ITK/Code/IO \
$C:/ITK/Code/Numerics \
$C:/ITK/Utilities/vxl/vcl \
$C:/ITK/Utilities/vxl/core \
$C:/ITK/Utilities \
$C:/ITK/Utilities/vxl/core \

#LIBS += -L$C:/ITK/bin/Debug/ITKAlgorithms

LIBS += -L$C:/ITK/bin/Debug/-lITKAlgorithms
LIBS += -L$C:/ITK/bin/Debug/-lITKBasicFilters
LIBS += -L$C:/ITK/bin/Debug/-lITKCommon
LIBS += -L$C:/ITK/bin/Debug/-lITKDICOMParser
LIBS += -L$C:/ITK/bin/Debug/-lITKEXPAT
LIBS += -L$C:/ITK/bin/Debug/-litkgdcm
LIBS += -L$C:/ITK/bin/Debug/-lITKIO
LIBS += -L$C:/ITK/bin/Debug/-litkjpeg8
LIBS += -L$C:/ITK/bin/Debug/-litkjpeg12
LIBS += -L$C:/ITK/bin/Debug/-litkjpeg16
LIBS += -L$C:/ITK/bin/Debug/-lITKMetaIO
LIBS += -L$C:/ITK/bin/Debug/-litknetlib
LIBS += -L$C:/ITK/bin/Debug/-lITKNrrdIO
LIBS += -L$C:/ITK/bin/Debug/-lITKNumerics
LIBS += -L$C:/ITK/bin/Debug/-litkpng
LIBS += -L$C:/ITK/bin/Debug/-litksys
LIBS += -L$C:/ITK/bin/Debug/-litktiff
LIBS += -L$C:/ITK/bin/Debug/-litkvcl
LIBS += -L$C:/ITK/bin/Debug/-litkvnl
LIBS += -L$C:/ITK/bin/Debug/-litkvnl_algo
LIBS += -L$C:/ITK/bin/Debug/-litkvnl_inst
LIBS += -L$C:/ITK/bin/Debug/-litkzlib

As long as my program only contains qt commands it works with this .pro file, but when I just add the line 

#include "itkImage.h"

to my PicDisplay.cxx file , I already get the error message (meaning that the include file could not be opened):

C:\Qt\3.3.3Educational\eigeneProjekte\SegmItk2\PicDisplay.cxx(13) : fatal error C1083: Include-Datei kann nicht geoeffnet werden: 'itkImage.h': No such file or directory

If I only want to include itkImage for the beginning ,I think the only neccessary LIB should be ITKCommon ... ? but it doesn't work with the .pro file above.
I also had the idea that the mentioned ITK_SOURCE_DIR might be supposed to be the itk source folder where I had unzipped itk after downloading,and where the actual headers are (I noticed, the headers such as itkImage.h are not in the binary directory but in the source directory...)
So I left every occurance of ITK_DIR at the binary directory, but I replaced every occurance of ITK_SOURCE_DIR with the source folder , for example:

$D:/Studium/Studienarbeit/ITK/SourceITK/InsightToolkit-2.0.1/Code/Common \

instead of

$C:/ITK/Code/Common \

but I still got the same error message.
Does anyone have an idea what might be wrong with this ? I would be glad if someone could help me find the mistake ...



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