Fw: Re: [Insight-users] Linking Error vtkITKMutualInformationTransform invtkITK Project

Jia Fucang jiafucang at asisz.com
Mon Feb 21 02:55:25 EST 2005

Hi Sharef,

I think the following should be removed in the CMakelists.txt:

ADD_EXECUTABLE(vtkITKNormalizeImageFilter vtkITKNormalizeImageFilter.cxx)
TARGET_LINK_LIBRARIES(vtkITKNormalizeImageFilter vtkVTKITKCommon vtkImaging
                      ITKIO ITKNumerics ITKBasicFilters ITKAlgorithms)

ADD_EXECUTABLE(vtkITKMutualInformationTransform vtkITKMutualInformationTransform.cxx)
TARGET_LINK_LIBRARIES(vtkITKMutualInformationTransform vtkVTKITKCommon vtkImaging vtkCommon vtkFiltering
                      vtkIO vtkHybrid vtkRendering vtkGraphics vtkPatented vtkjpeg vtktiff ITKIO ITKNumerics ITKBasicFilters ITKAlgorithms)

Compiling vtkITK will produce two libraries: vtkVTKITKCommon.lib and vtkVTKITKCommonTCL.lib in the binary Common directory, and vtkITK.exe in the binary Wrapping\Tcl directory.

You may run vtkITK.exe demo  Mutual.tcl to run the application, please revise the GEVTK_DATA_ROOT to the directory including the fullHead data which could be downloaded from ftp://public.kitware.com/pub/vtk/vtkTextbook/FullHead.tgz, and  comment the first two lines:
#package require vtk
#package require vtkinteraction

Hope this helps.


>>Hi Luis, Hi all,
>>I got the following error while compiling the Insight Applications.
>>I was trying to compile and link the vtkITK Application while also creating executables for vtkITKMutualInformationTransform  and vtkITKNormalizeImageFilter.
>>So that they can be used for the tcl script DemoMutual.tcl.
>>Any help would be highly appreciated!
>>The error I got is:
>> --------------------Configuration: vtkITKMutualInformationTransform - Win32 RelWithDebInfo--------------------
>>MSVCRT.lib(crtexe.obj) : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol _main
>>RelWithDebInfo/vtkITKMutualInformationTransform.exe : fatal error LNK1120: 1 unresolved externals
>>Error executing link.exe.
>>My CMakeLists.txt file in the Common Directory where the files exist looks like this:
>># Configure Tcl wrappers.
>># Configure Python wrappers.
>>  VTK_WRAP_PYTHON2(vtkVTKITKCommonPython VTKITKCommonPython_SRCS
>>                   ${VTKITKCommon_SRCS})
>>  ADD_LIBRARY(vtkVTKITKCommonPython SHARED ${VTKITKCommonPython_SRCS})
>>                         vtkVTKITKCommon
>>                         vtkFilteringPython 
>>                         vtkCommonPython)
>>                      ITKIO ITKNumerics ITKBasicFilters ITKAlgorithms)
>>ADD_EXECUTABLE(vtkITKNormalizeImageFilter vtkITKNormalizeImageFilter.cxx)
>>TARGET_LINK_LIBRARIES(vtkITKNormalizeImageFilter vtkVTKITKCommon vtkImaging
>>                      ITKIO ITKNumerics ITKBasicFilters ITKAlgorithms)
>>ADD_EXECUTABLE(vtkITKMutualInformationTransform vtkITKMutualInformationTransform.cxx)
>>TARGET_LINK_LIBRARIES(vtkITKMutualInformationTransform vtkVTKITKCommon vtkImaging vtkCommon vtkFiltering
>>                      vtkIO vtkHybrid vtkRendering vtkGraphics vtkPatented vtkjpeg vtktiff ITKIO ITKNumerics ITKBasicFilters ITKAlgorithms)
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