[Insight-users] ITK and QT4

André Huisman ahuisman at cs.uu.nl
Tue Aug 9 04:48:22 EDT 2005

Dear ITK users,

Now there is an open source version of Qt (Qt4) I wanted to port my
wxWidget application to Qt. First I tried to build the qtITK example in
the InsightApplications package. At first I was not able to use CMake to
generate project files for Visual Studio (2003). I found new findQT.cmake
files on the CVS repository of CMake. This resolved the errors I got in
CMake. However, now I get the correct libraries to link and the correct
include files for ITK in my project file, but not any Qt lib files or
include paths, so the qtITK example is still not compilable. Of course I
can manually include the needed files, but maybe some adaptions are needed
in the CMakeLists.txt of the qtITK example.
Has there anyone of you already been able to compile the qtITK example
using Qt4 (open source on windows)?
Thank you very much!

Andre Huisman

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