[Insight-users] itkRescaleIntensityImageFilter

Tanja Stumpf t.stumpf at dkfz-heidelberg.de
Fri Oct 15 09:48:18 EDT 2004

Using the itkRescaleIntensityImageFilter (actual CVS version) I noticed, 
that in the method 'BeforeThreadedGenerateData()' the variables 
'm_InputMinimum' and 'm_InputMaximum' are computed by the 
I assume, this feature might be helpful for those people who don't want 
to provide those values on their own. But I wanted to set those 
variables using the provided setMacros ( and I need to set different 
values for minimum and maximum, than the MinimumMaximumImageCalculator 
would calculate...).

So now I got the problem, that the values set by the setMacro are 
overwritten by the computation of the 'BeforeThreadedGenerateData()'  

Either this must be a bug or the SetMacros should be removed....


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