[Insight-users] Missing Static Libraries Error

Luis Ibanez luis.ibanez at kitware.com
Mon, 26 Jan 2004 09:55:30 -0500

Hi Charles,

Thanks for your report.

It seems that the problem you are facing
is actually due to have built first with
static and afterwards build for shared on
the same binary tree, without making "clean"

It is likely that if you remove the binary
tree and rebuild for Shared from the beginning
you will not find this conflict.


In a parallel note, it is true that the IO
libraries don't have to be explicitly listed
in the CMakeLists.txt file.  This was entered
as Bug # 542 and was already fixed in CVS.

Note that CMake will generate dependencies
automatically. So if Library A depends on
libraries B and C, you just need to add library
A, and CMake will automatically add libraries
B and C to the makefile.

That's what suggests that your problem is actually
due to have first build for static and then switched
to shared withough having cleaned out all the binary
tree. You probably have a mix of old and new


BTW. You (as any othere users) are welcome to report
bugs directly into the bug tracking system.

Simply go to


and create an account using your email and your own
selected password. No authorization is required for
doing this. Once you have your account on the bug
tracker, you can go ahead and report bugs directly.

Please let us know if you have any further questions.




Charles Moad wrote:
> 	When building with shared libraries I encountered errors when building
> 'Examples/Iterators' and 'Examples/SpatialObjects'.  The makefile still
> referenced the static libraries 'Insight/bin/libitkzlib.a' and
> 'Insight/bin/libitkpng.a' even though they were built as shared
> objects.  I replaced every occurrence of these with
> 'libitk(zlib/png).so' and it worked fine.  My install is checked out and
> current with CVS.  This is more a bug-report than a question.  Sorry in
> advanced if this is the wrong place to report it.
> - Charles Moad -
> - Computer Science -
> - Indiana University -
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