[Insight-users] Visualization of Mesh from DeformableMesh3DFilter with VTK

Samuel Rodríguez Bescos srodrigu@gbt.tfo.upm.es
Fri, 27 Sep 2002 18:15:42 +0200

Hello again Luis:

I have modified my example but there is an error in the compilation proccess
related with itkMesh.txx

:\Archivos de
programa\InsightLastVersion\CVS\Insight\Code\Common\itkMesh.txx(1028) :
error C2144: syntax error : missing ')' before type 'Mesh<double,3,class

in the line 1028 in the file itkMesh.txx:


Any Idea what is happening?. I think that is related to how I create the itk

I do:

        typedef itk::Mesh<double, 3, itk::DefaultStaticMeshTraits< double,
3, 3, double, double > > DoubleMeshType;
        DoubleMeshType::Pointer         m_ITKMesh;

But in the example you posted to me it is created by:
        typedef itk::Mesh<double, 3, itk::DefaultStaticMeshTraits< double,
3, 3, double, double > > doubleMesh;
        doubleMesh::Pointer mesh(doubleMesh::New());



----- Original Message -----
From: "Luis Ibanez" <luis.ibanez@kitware.com>
To: "Samuel Rodríguez Bescos" <srodrigu@gbt.tfo.upm.es>
Cc: <insight-users@public.kitware.com>
Sent: Friday, September 27, 2002 3:07 PM
Subject: Re: [Insight-users] Visualization of Mesh from
DeformableMesh3DFilter with VTK

Hi Samuel,

Yes, it is possible to convert a "double" mesh into
a "float" mesh.

If fact, since you are using the example code provided
in vtk2itk.cxx, you will only have to make some
modifications in order to cast values to float.

Please find attached the modified file that will perform
conversions between a vtkUnstructuredGrid and an

The basic changes are:

1) All the type declarations related to the itk::Mesh
    are now using "double" instead of "float"

2) it is no longer possible to pass point coordinates
    using a (float *) between itk and vtk.
    Point coordinates are now copied one by one in
    order to allow the float/double casting to be done.

Please let us know if you find any problems running
the attached file, or adapting your code.




Samuel Rodríguez Bescos wrote:

> Hello everybody,
> I'm tryin to visualize a Mesh resulted from a deformableMeshFilter. I'm
> using the vtk2itk.cxx code. The problem is that the output of my filter
> is a Double Mesh and I think that the  vtkUnstructuredGrid can't support
> this type (only float).
> Could anybody give any information about that?.
>  Is it posible convert a doubleMesh  in a float Mesh in ITK?.
> the deformableMesh3DFilter is only for DoubleMesh types or is it posible
> to generate a floatMesh as output?
> Maybe there are so much questions, Sorry
> Thanks a lot in advance.
> Sam


>   Program:   Insight Segmentation & Registration Toolkit
>   Module:    $RCSfile: vtk2itk.cxx,v $
>   Language:  C++
>   Date:      $Date: 2002/06/20 02:35:19 $
>   Version:   $Revision: 1.10 $
>   Copyright (c) 2002 Insight Consortium. All rights reserved.
>   See ITKCopyright.txt or http://www.itk.org/HTML/Copyright.htm for
>      This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even
>      the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR
>      PURPOSE.  See the above copyright notices for more information.
> // Disable warning for long symbol names in this file only
> #ifdef _MSC_VER
> #pragma warning ( disable : 4786 )
> #endif
> #include <iostream>
> #include "itkMesh.h"
> #include "itkTriangleCell.h"
> #include "itkQuadrilateralCell.h"
> #include "vtkDataSetWriter.h"
> #include "vtkDataSetMapper.h"
> #include "vtkRenderer.h"
> #include "vtkRenderWindow.h"
> #include "vtkActor.h"
> #include "vtkRenderWindowInteractor.h"
> #include "vtkDataSetReader.h"
> #include "vtkUnstructuredGrid.h"
> #include "vtkDataSet.h"
> typedef itk::Mesh<double, 3,
>   itk::DefaultStaticMeshTraits< double, 3, 3, double, double > >
> void Display(vtkUnstructuredGrid* itkgrid, vtkUnstructuredGrid* vtkgrid)
> {
> // Create the renderer and window stuff
>   vtkRenderer* ren1 = vtkRenderer::New();
>   vtkRenderer* ren2 = vtkRenderer::New();
>   vtkRenderWindow* renWin = vtkRenderWindow::New();
>   renWin->AddRenderer(ren1);
>   renWin->AddRenderer(ren2);
>   vtkRenderWindowInteractor* inter = vtkRenderWindowInteractor::New();
>   inter->SetRenderWindow(renWin);
>   vtkDataSetMapper* mapper = vtkDataSetMapper::New();
>   mapper->SetInput(itkgrid);
>   vtkActor* actor = vtkActor::New();
>   actor->SetMapper(mapper);
>   vtkDataSetMapper* mapper2 = vtkDataSetMapper::New();
>   mapper2->SetInput(vtkgrid);
>   vtkActor* actor2 = vtkActor::New();
>   actor2->SetMapper(mapper2);
>   ren1->SetViewport(0.0, 0.0, 0.5, 1.0);
>   ren2->SetViewport(0.5, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0);
>   ren2->AddActor(actor2);
>   // add the actor and start the render loop
>   ren1->AddActor(actor);
>   renWin->Render();
>   inter->Start();
>   mapper->Delete();
>   actor->Delete();
>   ren1->Delete();
>   mapper2->Delete();
>   actor2->Delete();
>   ren2->Delete();
>   renWin->Delete();
> }
> #ifndef VTK_HAS_ID_TYPE
> // if you get a syntax error hear, then your VTK
> // has vtkIdType already defined
> typedef long vtkIdType;
> #endif
> doubleMesh::Pointer MeshFromUnstructuredGrid(vtkUnstructuredGrid* grid)
> {
>   // Create a new mesh
>   doubleMesh::Pointer mesh(doubleMesh::New());
>   // Get the points from vtk
>   vtkPoints* vtkpoints = grid->GetPoints();
>   int numPoints = vtkpoints->GetNumberOfPoints();
>   // Create a compatible point container for the mesh
>   // the mesh is created with a null points container
>   doubleMesh::PointsContainer::Pointer points =
>     doubleMesh::PointsContainer::New();
>   // Resize the point container to be able to fit the vtk points
>   points->Reserve(numPoints);
>   // Set the point container on the mesh
>   mesh->SetPoints(points);
>   for(int i =0; i < numPoints; i++)
>     {
>     float* apoint = vtkpoints->GetPoint(i);
>     doubleMesh::PointType p;
>     p[0] = apoint[0];
>     p[1] = apoint[1];
>     p[2] = apoint[2];
>     mesh->SetPoint( i, p );
>     }
>   vtkCellArray* vtkcells = grid->GetCells();
>   doubleMesh::CellsContainerPointer cells =
>   mesh->SetCells(cells);
>   // extract the cell id's from the vtkUnstructuredGrid
>   int numcells = vtkcells->GetNumberOfCells();
>   int* vtkCellTypes = new int[numcells];
>   int cellId =0;
>   for(; cellId < numcells; cellId++)
>     {
>     vtkCellTypes[cellId] = grid->GetCellType(cellId);
>     }
>   cells->Reserve(numcells);
>   vtkIdType npts;
>   vtkIdType* pts;
>   cellId = 0;
>   for(vtkcells->InitTraversal(); vtkcells->GetNextCell(npts, pts);
>     {
>     doubleMesh::CellAutoPointer c;
>     switch(vtkCellTypes[cellId])
>       {
>       case VTK_TRIANGLE:
>         {
>         typedef itk::CellInterface<double, doubleMesh::CellTraits>
>         typedef itk::TriangleCell<CellInterfaceType> TriangleCellType;
>         TriangleCellType * t = new TriangleCellType;
>         t->SetPointIds((unsigned long*)pts);
>         c.TakeOwnership( t );
>         break;
>         }
>       case VTK_QUAD:
>         {
>         typedef itk::CellInterface<double, doubleMesh::CellTraits>
>         typedef itk::QuadrilateralCell<CellInterfaceType>
>         QuadrilateralCellType * t = new QuadrilateralCellType;
>         t->SetPointIds((unsigned long*)pts);
>         c.TakeOwnership( t );
>         break;
>         }
>       case VTK_EMPTY_CELL:
>       case VTK_VERTEX:
>       case VTK_POLY_VERTEX:
>       case VTK_LINE:
>       case VTK_POLY_LINE:
>       case VTK_TRIANGLE_STRIP:
>       case VTK_POLYGON:
>       case VTK_PIXEL:
>       case VTK_TETRA:
>       case VTK_VOXEL:
>       case VTK_HEXAHEDRON:
>       case VTK_WEDGE:
>       case VTK_PYRAMID:
>       default:
>         std::cerr << "Warning unhandled cell type "
>                   << vtkCellTypes[cellId] << std::endl;
>         ;
>       }
>     mesh->SetCell(cellId, c);
>     }
>   mesh->Print(std::cout);
>   return mesh;
> }
> class VistVTKCellsClass
> {
>   vtkCellArray* m_Cells;
>   int* m_LastCell;
>   int* m_TypeArray;
> public:
>   // typedef the itk cells we are interested in
>   typedef itk::CellInterface<
>                       doubleMesh::PixelType,
>                       doubleMesh::CellTraits >  CellInterfaceType;
>   typedef itk::TriangleCell<CellInterfaceType>      doubleTriangleCell;
>   typedef itk::QuadrilateralCell<CellInterfaceType>
>   // Set the vtkCellArray that will be constructed
>   void SetCellArray(vtkCellArray* a)
>     {
>       m_Cells = a;
>     }
>   // Set the cell counter pointer
>   void SetCellCounter(int* i)
>     {
>       m_LastCell = i;
>     }
>   // Set the type array for storing the vtk cell types
>   void SetTypeArray(int* i)
>     {
>       m_TypeArray = i;
>     }
>   // Visit a triangle and create the VTK_TRIANGLE cell
>   void Visit(unsigned long cellId, doubleTriangleCell* t)
>     {
>       m_Cells->InsertNextCell(3,  (vtkIdType*)t->PointIdsBegin());
>       m_TypeArray[*m_LastCell] = VTK_TRIANGLE;
>       (*m_LastCell)++;
>     }
>   // Visit a triangle and create the VTK_QUAD cell
>   void Visit(unsigned long cellId, doubleQuadrilateralCell* t)
>     {
>       m_Cells->InsertNextCell(4,  (vtkIdType*)t->PointIdsBegin());
>       m_TypeArray[*m_LastCell] = VTK_QUAD;
>       (*m_LastCell)++;
>     }
> };
> typedef itk::CellInterfaceVisitorImplementation<
> double, doubleMesh::CellTraits,
>   itk::TriangleCell< itk::CellInterface<doubleMesh::PixelType,
doubleMesh::CellTraits > >,
>   VistVTKCellsClass> TriangleVisitor;
> typedef itk::CellInterfaceVisitorImplementation<
> double, doubleMesh::CellTraits,
>   itk::QuadrilateralCell< itk::CellInterface<doubleMesh::PixelType,
doubleMesh::CellTraits > >,
>   VistVTKCellsClass> QuadrilateralVisitor;
> vtkUnstructuredGrid* MeshToUnstructuredGrid(doubleMesh* mesh)
> {
>   // Get the number of points in the mesh
>   int numPoints = mesh->GetNumberOfPoints();
>   if(numPoints == 0)
>     {
>     mesh->Print(std::cerr);
>     std::cerr << "no points in Grid " << std::endl;
>     exit(-1);
>     }
>   // Create a vtkUnstructuredGrid
>   vtkUnstructuredGrid* vgrid = vtkUnstructuredGrid::New();
>   // Create the vtkPoints object and set the number of points
>   vtkPoints* vpoints = vtkPoints::New();
>   vpoints->SetNumberOfPoints(numPoints);
>   // iterate over all the points in the itk mesh filling in
>   // the vtkPoints object as we go
>   doubleMesh::PointsContainer::Pointer points = mesh->GetPoints();
>   for(doubleMesh::PointsContainer::Iterator i = points->Begin();
>       i != points->End(); ++i)
>     {
>     // Get the point index from the point container iterator
>     int idx = i->Index();
>     // Set the vtk point at the index with the the coord array from itk
>     // itk returns a const pointer, but vtk is not const correct, so
>     // we have to use a const cast to get rid of the const
>     doubleMesh::PointType & pp = i->Value();
>     float pcoordinates[3];
>     pcoordinates[0] = pp[0];
>     pcoordinates[1] = pp[1];
>     pcoordinates[2] = pp[2];
>     vpoints->SetPoint(idx, pcoordinates);
>     }
>   // Set the points on the vtk grid
>   vgrid->SetPoints(vpoints);
>   // Now create the cells using the MulitVisitor
>   // 1. Create a MultiVisitor
>   doubleMesh::CellType::MultiVisitor::Pointer mv =
>     doubleMesh::CellType::MultiVisitor::New();
>   // 2. Create a triangle and quadrilateral visitor
>   TriangleVisitor::Pointer tv = TriangleVisitor::New();
>   QuadrilateralVisitor::Pointer qv =  QuadrilateralVisitor::New();
>   // 3. Set up the visitors
>   int vtkCellCount = 0; // running counter for current cell being inserted
into vtk
>   int numCells = mesh->GetNumberOfCells();
>   int *types = new int[numCells]; // type array for vtk
>   // create vtk cells and estimate the size
>   vtkCellArray* cells = vtkCellArray::New();
>   cells->EstimateSize(numCells, 4);
>   // Set the TypeArray CellCount and CellArray for both visitors
>   tv->SetTypeArray(types);
>   tv->SetCellCounter(&vtkCellCount);
>   tv->SetCellArray(cells);
>   qv->SetTypeArray(types);
>   qv->SetCellCounter(&vtkCellCount);
>   qv->SetCellArray(cells);
>   // add the visitors to the multivisitor
>   mv->AddVisitor(tv);
>   mv->AddVisitor(qv);
>   // Now ask the mesh to accept the multivisitor which
>   // will Call Visit for each cell in the mesh that matches the
>   // cell types of the visitors added to the MultiVisitor
>   mesh->Accept(mv);
>   // Now set the cells on the vtk grid with the type array and cell array
>   vgrid->SetCells(types, cells);
>   // Clean up vtk objects (no vtkSmartPointer ... )
>   cells->Delete();
>   vpoints->Delete();
>   // return the vtkUnstructuredGrid
>   return vgrid;
> }
> int main(int ac, char** av)
> {
>   const char* fname = "blow.vtk";
>   if(ac > 1 )
>     {
>     fname = av[1];
>     }
>   vtkDataSetReader* reader = vtkDataSetReader::New();
>   reader->SetFileName(fname);
>   reader->SetScalarsName("thickness9");
>   reader->SetVectorsName("displacement9");
>   std::cerr << "Begin reading vtk data " << std::endl;
>   reader->Update();
>   std::cerr << "End reading vtk data " << std::endl;
>   vtkDataSet* data = reader->GetOutput();
>   if( !data )
>     {
>     std::cerr << "Data is null" << std::endl;
>     }
>   // Convert from vtk to itk
>   std::cerr << "Begin conversion to itkMesh " << std::endl;
>   doubleMesh::Pointer m =
>     MeshFromUnstructuredGrid(reader->GetUnstructuredGridOutput());
>   std::cerr << "End conversion to itkMesh " << std::endl;
>   // Convert back from itk to vtk
>   std::cerr << "Begin conversion to vtkUnstructuredGrid " << std::endl;
>   vtkUnstructuredGrid* grid = MeshToUnstructuredGrid(m);
>   std::cerr << "End conversion to vtkUnstructuredGrid " << std::endl;
>   std::cerr << "Begin vtk dispaly of both grids " << std::endl;
>   Display(grid, reader->GetUnstructuredGridOutput());
>   vtkDataSetWriter* writer = vtkDataSetWriter::New();
>   writer->SetInput(grid);
>   writer->SetFileName("./itkblow.vtk");
>   writer->Update();
>   grid->Print(std::cout);
> #endif
>   reader->Delete();
>   grid->Delete();
>   return 0;
> }