[Insight-users] (Fast) Fourier Filters

Bjorn Hanch Sollie bhs@pvv.org
Sun, 26 May 2002 18:42:14 +0200 (CEST)

Is there a fourier-filter implemented in ITK?  I was looking for it
but I didn't find anything.  Are there any recommended ways of
implementing it if it's not already there?

I have performed some fast march and level set segmentation, and the
results so far look very promising!  However, I need to smooth the
binary output images I get in order to remove small "holes" inside the
segmented region and sharp peaks and gaps along the edges.  A median
filter does this very very well, practically to the point of being
ideal for the purpose, but it takes a bit (too) long to run,
unfortunately.  A gaussian, for example, doesn't perform nearly as

Aside from medians and fouriers, are there any other filters in ITK
that are particularly suited for such a task?

Finally, a big thanks goes to Luis Ibanez and everyone else on this
list who have patiently answered my questions (you know who you are).
I wouldn't have made it this far without your help.

The History of the Universe
Chapter 1: Bang!  Chapter 2: Sss...  Chapter 3: Crunch!
The End