[Insight-users] RecursiveGaussianImageFilter problems

Bjorn Hanch Sollie bhs@pvv.org
Tue, 7 May 2002 17:03:06 +0200 (CEST)

On Tue, 7 May 2002, Luis Ibanez wrote:

> You may also use  the itkRescaleIntensityImageFilter in order
> to transform the intensity scale of an image and make it fit in
> a particular range.   The filter requires that you provide the
> range for the output.

My biggest problem is that the RecursiveGaussianImageFilter doesn't
produce intensity values close to zero in regions with constant
intensity and high intensity values around the edges, which is what I
need for the potentialimage in the fastmarching filter.  Rescaling the
intensity range doesn't solve this.  I also need the solution to work
across several data sets, so simply choosing an intensity value as a
zero-level based on the output from the RecursiveGaussianImageFilter,
and then rescaling intensity with respect to this isn't a good
solution either.  There's also the problem of the edges having both
much higher and lower intensity than the constant regions (the picture
at the URL below demonstrates the problems).

I need something with the same edge-enhancing qualities as the
RecursiveGaussianImageFilter, just different intensity-wise.  Are
there any other possible solutions in ITK I might try before I follow
Stephen's suggestion about modifying the GradientMagnitudeImageFilter?

(I converted all the pictures on my homepage to JPG, so they should
work better now.)


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