[Insight-users] Re: MultiResMIRegistration example

Luis Ibanez luis.ibanez@kitware.com
Mon, 06 May 2002 10:10:01 -0400

Hi Buu,

ITK does not provide visualization tools.

The ones provided on the examples are only
intended to be examples of how you could
implement small applications.

Here are some options for visualizing
the .raw image:

1) Create the MetaImage.mha file for it and
   use any of the examples that load 3D images
   (GaussianFilter for example).

   Creating the MetaImage header for a raw file
   is relatively simple. You can basically start
   by copying the MetaImage header (.mha) of the
   input file and editing with any text editor.
   Replace the filename of the .raw file at the
   end, and make sure that the dimensions of the
   image match the size in bytes of the raw file.

2) you could use VTK, setup a simple pipeline
    and use the vtkRAWReader to load the raw file
    into a vtkDataSet.

In order to visualize the PGM files here are
some options:

1) You could use the ImageMagick tools.
1.1) using "animate" and giving it the list of
    PGM files (wildcards can be used for this).
    That will result in an animated sequence of
    slices. (you can control the speed of the
    sequence with "<" and ">"

1.2) use "convert" from the set of PGM files
      to a RAW file and GOTO the section above
      about visualizing "raw" files   :-)

2) You could also use VTK, setup a pipeline
    and use the vtkPNMReader in order to load
    the images into a vtkDataSet.

Please let us know if you have problems
visualizing the files.

About misregistered images,
The simplest thing to do is to use itkResampleFilter:
and apply a known transformation to one of the
input images. That will give you a missregistred image
that you can now provide as one of the inputs to
the registration process.

About Multimodal Images:
You can get multimodal images from the Vanderbilt
Retrospective Registration Evaluation Project:
follow the instructions in:

Hope that helps



Buu Tien Phan wrote:
> Dear Luis,
> I finally get the example to run. Thank you so much for your help. I
> have some questions about this example.
> - After running example, I have registered.raw file and hundred of PGM
> files. How do I view the registered.raw file? I can use some other
> applications to view this image, but I don't know how create the
> registered.mha files as you did in ftp server.
> -Is there any way I can have real images which are not registered yet so
> I can see the differences.
> - In the document of the example, we have very nice outputs for
> multimodal images. How do I obtain these images to run the example.
> Again, thank you very much for your help.
> Buu Phan,