[Insight-users] Re: ImageIO

Luis Ibanez luis.ibanez@kitware.com
Thu, 12 Dec 2002 14:44:19 -0500

Hi Fredj,

You may want to download the "InsightDocuments" repository.

The following CVS commands will give you access to it:

cvs -d :pserver:anonymous@www.itk.org:/insight/cvsroot login
(respond with password insight)

cvs -d :pserver:anonymous@www.itk.org:/insight/cvsroot co InsightDocuments

You will find tutorial material under:


The following OpenOffice/Powerpoint files explain
in detail how to display ITK images using VTK.

   - GettingStarted-I.ppt
   - GettingStarted-II.ppt
   - GettingStarted-III.ppt
   - GettingStarted-IV.ppt

Please let us know if you have any question,




E. Fredj wrote:
> Dear Ibanez;
> I followed your instruction and install ITK. The package runs well and
> has a numbers of relevant features for my research. However, I need some
> time to learn it to be comfortable with it. Do you know any textbook or
> any website which can give me more information on ITK and how can I
> combine it with VTK.
> For example opens an image with ITK and display with VTK it.
>  Do you have simple examples to achieve this aim? Can you please send
> them?
> Thank you very much for your help;
> E. Fredj 