[Insight-users] problem reading meta file formats

Martin Styner martin_styner at ieee . org
Wed, 21 Aug 2002 16:00:44 +0200

Hi all

I encounter the same problem. Additionally, I just donwloaded the newest 
CVS version and recompiled the whole thing including the examples (on 
Solaris 8 using g++ 2.95.2 with -O2 -g option). The compiling ran great, 
but I cannot read any Meta files, e.g. (one of many that I tried) using 
MetaImageViewer and brain web data:

 > MetaImageViewer brainweb1.mhd
Loading File: brainweb1.mhd
NDims required and not defined.
MetaObject: Read: MET_Read Failed
MetaImage: M_Read: Error parsing file
MetaImage: Read: Cannot parse file
Problems reading file format

The file looks like follows:
NDims = 3
DimSize = 181 217 20
ElementType = MET_UCHAR
ElementSpacing = 1.0 1.0 9.0
ElementByteOrderMSB = False
ElementDataFile = brainweb1.raw

Does anybody else encounter similar problems with the newer itk versions 
? Is it a Solaris thing ?


digvijay singh wrote:
> hello all,
> i tried the MRIBiasCorrection example (solaris 8 gcc
> -2.95+)and there was a problem reading the meta file
> brainweb165a10f17.mha. 
> i then tried the MetaImageReadWrite example and there
> too i am having a problem reading the file format. the
> command and the error message are like:
> tarsus:/home/vertebra/digvijay/itk/proj_1/MetaImageReadWrite>MetaImageReadWrite
> ~digvijay/brain/brainweb165a10f17.mha
> Problems reading file format
> in the previous example too the command line and the
> error message were like
> tarsus:/home/vertebra/digvijay/itk/proj_1/MRIBiasCorrection>IntensityHistogram3D
>  --file brainweb165a10f17.mha --bin-size 10
> NDims required and not defined.
> MetaObject: Read: MET_Read Failed
> MetaImage: M_Read: Error parsing file
> MetaImage: Read: Cannot parse file
> itk::ExceptionObject (0xffbeeea8)
> Location: "Unknown"
> File:
> /home/encephalon/mstyner/itk/Insight_Nightly/Insight/Code/IO/itkImageFileR
> eader.txx
> Line: 111
> Description: Number of dimensions in file (0) does not
> match number of dimension
> s in output (3)
> luis as u suggested i tried changing the bigendian
> option to off as well but that too did not help
> does somebody have a clue to the problem.
> thanks
> digvijay
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