[Insight-users] watershed example does not compile

Paul Berube berube@ugrad.cs.ualberta.ca
Tue, 9 Apr 2002 14:46:31 -0600 (MDT)

I've got the itk source compiling ok.  however, even though I have told it
in cmake to compile the watershed example, it does not.

I have tried to just compile the example in place after, and it complains
about a lot of missing files... I tried to tell it where everything was in
the CMakeLists.txt, but that just led to more missing file...

Please help!  The wathershed segmentation is the whole reason I'm trying
to use itk!

btw, i'm running this on linux, the sourse is only about 2 weeks old (i
don't know how to find which version it is).



  "Oh, there it is...
      ...Then what the heck was that other piece of code we changed?"