[IGSTK-Developers] IGSTK Copyright -- Need your inputs

Patrick Cheng cheng at isis.georgetown.edu
Thu Mar 20 14:03:59 EDT 2008

Hi everyone,

In transiting to use the new OSI approved license. I found the following 

1. We don't own the copy right to all the source code. There are Claron 
and Atamai code in the Utilities directory, so I added a clause in our 
copyright claim: "Some source code distributed under the Utilities 
directory may be owned by other parties"

2. We also need to update the license term of both Claron and Atamai code.
     For Claron, Andinet could you get Claudi's approval to adapt the 
new license?
     For Atamai, we are not using it's code right now, and I am not sure 
how the future Ascension tracker code will depend on the Atamai code. If 
we won't use it, we can just remove it. Or we have to get the owner to 
change the license term as well.

Attached is the draft copyright claim, please take a look to see if 
there is any problem.

Thank you,

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