[IGSTK-Developers] Review Tcon summary

Patrick Cheng cheng at isis.georgetown.edu
Thu Jan 24 12:14:40 EST 2008

Hi everyone,

Here is a list of major things came out the discussion today.

1. GetRenderWindowInteractor() in Widget class API? Need to have example 
code to justify the need for this method call.

2. Move picker from Widget to View. No need to have AddObserver in 
Widget class

3. Change Transform == operator to test numerical equivalence, and add a 
parameter for torlerance. default value?

4. Make Tracker and TrackerTool class into pure virtual. need to change 
some testing programs. Change the TrackerTool port range [1~12]

5. RequestSetReferenceTool need to go through state machine, and the 
fail condition should be properly handled

7. Some comments on Tracker code on TrackerTesting page:

Keep up the good work. We will meet again next Thursday at the same time.

Thank you!


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