[IGSTK-Developers] pivot calibration with FOB

Julien Jomier julien.jomier at kitware.com
Thu Apr 24 12:24:32 EDT 2008

Hi Sebastian,

> Patrick told me you implemented the FOB classes before the refactoring. 
> Where you able to run the pivot calibration with good repeatability?

That was a long time ago but I think it was working fairly well at that 
time. I couldn't remember if we actually did the repeatability test.

> Do you remember why you set the transformation in 
> igstkFlockOfBirdsTracker in this way?
> typedef TransformType::VersorType RotationType;
> RotationType rotation;
> rotation.Set(quaternion[0],-quaternion[3],quaternion[2],quaternion[1]); 
> //<---- why minus and why that order?

It really depends how the FoB is setup. Meaning the orientation of the 
magnetic field w.r.t the tools. If I remember correctly, this was the 
orientation of the magnetic source for our setup.
Now, it should probably be a concatenation of transforms to make it more 

Hope that helps,

> Anything you can contribute would help us a lot
> thank you,
> sebastian
>         I asked Ziv to run his old code on Polaris to test the
>         reproducibility. He said it was working before the refactoring,
>         we might have broken something in the calibration class during
>         the refactoring.
>         That way, we can pin down the root of the problem. If the
>         Polaris calibration works fine, then we know for sure, there is
>         a problem with the FOB code.
>         We also need integrate the MicronTracker code into the
>         calibration example. When you are working with the
>         CalibrationExample, could you try to make it work with multiple
>         trackers? You can probably reuse some code from NeedleBiopsy.
>         Some correspondences for the FOB code:
>         David Gobbi <dgobbi at cs.queensu.ca <mailto:dgobbi at cs.queensu.ca>>
>         wrote the original code FOBCommandInterpreter.
>         Julien Jomier <julien.jomier at kitware.com
>         <mailto:julien.jomier at kitware.com>> wrote the draft FOB tracker
>         code.
>         You can email them if you have questions.
>         Thank you,
>         Patrick

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