[IGSTK-Developers] Re: PivotCalibration class

Luis Ibanez luis.ibanez at kitware.com
Wed Dec 19 15:16:57 EST 2007

Hi Ziv,

There is a class::


in IGSTK/Source directory.

I believe this class was intended for providing the feature that
you are requesting.

If this class is not working, then we probably should rework it
for reading a Transform from a file and then provide it in a format
where it can be set to the TrackerTool.

TrackerTools shouldn't read files directly, for the same reason
that igstkImages shoulnd't read files directly.

This is indeed a nice feature to provide, and it would be a great
project to attack during the NAMIC project week.  You may find
interesting to have this class read the file formats that Slicer
is using for storing Transforms.  Jim Miller and Stephen Aylward
have been discussing this issues for a while.

You may want to call tomorrow at 3:00pm to the NAMIC tcon and
bring up this issue.



Ziv Yaniv wrote:
> Andinet Enquobahrie wrote:
>> Hi Ziv,
>>> This brings up the question about saving tool calibration. As far as 
>>> I'm aware we never resolved this issue, sort of fell through the cracks.
>>> During the discussions 
>>> (http://public.kitware.com/IGSTKWIKI/index.php/Minutes_062807) we 
>>> raised the issue that calibration is done beforehand. A natural way 
>>> of saving and loading it back is some serialization mechanism on the 
>>> trackertool side.
>>> Can you incorporate this type of mechanism into the tracker tool?
>> In the new API, the tracker tool can take a calibration transform.  
>> The tracker
>> class composes the calibration transform with the raw tansform for 
>> each tracker tool
>> during the tracking cycle.
>> -Andinet
> Hi Andinet,
> This wasn't my question. I know that the trackertool deals with the 
> calibration internally.
> What I'm requesting is a mechanism to save a tracker tool to disk and 
> load it back from disk (the calibration data should be part of this 
> save/restore mechanism).
>                      Ziv

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