[IGSTK-Developers] LOG4CXX test on IGSTK state machine

Hee-su Kim hkim at isis.imac.georgetown.edu
Fri Mar 18 11:57:04 EST 2005


I compiled LOG4CXX with ITK. (I added LOG4CXX source codes into ITK project and then built it.)

LOG4CXX codes were used for logging state machine error messages and for each transition made during running.
(instead of std::cerr)

Attached are screenshots from IGSTK state machine errors test program.

Some issues here:
    1. Should LOG4CXX Logger be derived from igstkLogger class?
    2. igstkMultipleOutputs class seems not necessary if LOG4CXX is used.
    3. After ITK has integrated LOG4CXX, I think it should be used. Logging codes might have be changed then.
    4. Platform compatibility issue. I only built on MSVC6.

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