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itk::ColorTable< TPixel > Member List

This is the complete list of members for itk::ColorTable< TPixel >, including all inherited members.
AddObserver(const EventObject &event, Command *)itk::Object
AddObserver(const EventObject &event, Command *) const itk::Object
BreakOnError()itk::LightObject [static]
color(unsigned int c)itk::ColorTable< TPixel >
color(unsigned int c, char rgb)itk::ColorTable< TPixel >
colorName(unsigned int c)itk::ColorTable< TPixel >
ColorTable()itk::ColorTable< TPixel > [protected]
ConstPointer typedefitk::ColorTable< TPixel >
CreateAnother() const itk::Object [virtual]
DebugOff() const itk::Object [virtual]
DebugOn() const itk::Object [virtual]
Delete()itk::LightObject [virtual]
GetClosestColorTableId(TPixel r, TPixel g, TPixel b)itk::ColorTable< TPixel >
GetColor(unsigned int colorId)itk::ColorTable< TPixel >
GetColorComponent(unsigned int colorId, char rgb)itk::ColorTable< TPixel >
GetColorName(unsigned int colorId)itk::ColorTable< TPixel >
GetCommand(unsigned long tag)itk::Object
GetDebug() const itk::Object
GetGlobalWarningDisplay()itk::Object [static]
GetMetaDataDictionary(void) const itk::Object
GetMTime() const itk::Object [virtual]
GetNameOfClass() const itk::ColorTable< TPixel > [virtual]
GetNumberOfColors() const itk::ColorTable< TPixel > [virtual]
GetReferenceCount() const itk::LightObject [inline, virtual]
GlobalWarningDisplayOff()itk::Object [inline, static]
GlobalWarningDisplayOn()itk::Object [inline, static]
HasObserver(const EventObject &event) const itk::Object
InternalReferenceCountType typedefitk::LightObject [protected]
InvokeEvent(const EventObject &)itk::Object
InvokeEvent(const EventObject &) const itk::Object
LightObject()itk::LightObject [inline, protected]
m_Coloritk::ColorTable< TPixel > [protected]
m_ColorNameitk::ColorTable< TPixel > [protected]
m_NumberOfColorsitk::ColorTable< TPixel > [protected]
m_ReferenceCountitk::LightObject [mutable, protected]
m_ReferenceCountLockitk::LightObject [mutable, protected]
Modified() const itk::Object [virtual]
New()itk::ColorTable< TPixel > [static]
Object()itk::Object [protected]
Pointer typedefitk::ColorTable< TPixel >
Print(std::ostream &os, Indent indent=0) const itk::LightObject
PrintHeader(std::ostream &os, Indent indent) const itk::LightObject [protected, virtual]
PrintObservers(std::ostream &os, Indent indent) const itk::Object [protected]
PrintSelf(std::ostream &os, Indent indent) const itk::ColorTable< TPixel > [protected, virtual]
PrintTrailer(std::ostream &os, Indent indent) const itk::LightObject [protected, virtual]
Register() const itk::Object [virtual]
RemoveObserver(unsigned long tag)itk::Object
Self typedefitk::ColorTable< TPixel >
SetColor(unsigned int c, TPixel r, TPixel g, TPixel b, const char *name="UserDefined")itk::ColorTable< TPixel >
SetDebug(bool debugFlag) const itk::Object
SetGlobalWarningDisplay(bool flag)itk::Object [static]
SetMetaDataDictionary(const MetaDataDictionary &rhs)itk::Object
SetReferenceCount(int)itk::Object [virtual]
size(void)itk::ColorTable< TPixel >
Superclass typedefitk::ColorTable< TPixel >
UnRegister() const itk::Object [virtual]
useDiscrete(void)itk::ColorTable< TPixel > [inline]
UseDiscreteColors(void)itk::ColorTable< TPixel >
useGray(unsigned int n=256)itk::ColorTable< TPixel > [inline]
UseGrayColors(unsigned int n=256)itk::ColorTable< TPixel >
useHeat(unsigned int n=256)itk::ColorTable< TPixel > [inline]
UseHeatColors(unsigned int n=256)itk::ColorTable< TPixel >
UseRandomColors(unsigned int n=256)itk::ColorTable< TPixel >
~ColorTable()itk::ColorTable< TPixel > [protected, virtual]
~LightObject()itk::LightObject [protected, virtual]
~Object()itk::Object [protected, virtual]

Generated at Fri Apr 16 21:01:08 2010 for ITK by doxygen 1.6.1 written by Dimitri van Heesch, © 1997-2000