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00001 /*========================================================================= 00002 00003 Program: Insight Segmentation & Registration Toolkit 00004 Module: $RCSfile: itkParallelSparseFieldLevelSetImageFilter.h,v $ 00005 Language: C++ 00006 Date: $Date: 2003/09/10 14:28:54 $ 00007 Version: $Revision: 1.7 $ 00008 00009 Copyright (c) Insight Software Consortium. All rights reserved. 00010 See ITKCopyright.txt or for details. 00011 00012 This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even 00013 the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR 00014 PURPOSE. See the above copyright notices for more information. 00015 00016 =========================================================================*/ 00017 #ifndef __itkParallelSparseFieldLevelSetImageFilter_h_ 00018 #define __itkParallelSparseFieldLevelSetImageFilter_h_ 00019 00020 #include <vector> 00021 #include "itkFiniteDifferenceImageFilter.h" 00022 #include "itkSparseFieldLayer.h" 00023 #include "itkObjectStore.h" 00024 #include "itkNeighborhoodIterator.h" 00025 #include "itkConstNeighborhoodIterator.h" 00026 #include "itkMultiThreader.h" 00027 #include "itkBarrier.h" 00028 #include "itkSemaphore.h" 00029 00030 namespace itk 00031 { 00032 00037 template <class TNodeIndexType> 00038 class ParallelSparseFieldLevelSetNode 00039 { 00040 public: 00041 TNodeIndexType m_Index; 00042 float m_Value; 00043 ParallelSparseFieldLevelSetNode *Next; 00044 ParallelSparseFieldLevelSetNode *Previous; 00045 }; 00046 00073 template <class TNeighborhoodType> 00074 class ParallelSparseFieldCityBlockNeighborList 00075 { 00076 public: 00077 typedef TNeighborhoodType NeighborhoodType; 00078 typedef typename NeighborhoodType::OffsetType OffsetType; 00079 typedef typename NeighborhoodType::RadiusType RadiusType; 00080 00081 itkStaticConstMacro(Dimension, unsigned int, NeighborhoodType::Dimension); 00082 00083 const RadiusType &GetRadius() const 00084 { 00085 return m_Radius; 00086 } 00087 00088 const unsigned int &GetArrayIndex(unsigned int i) const 00089 { 00090 return m_ArrayIndex[i]; 00091 } 00092 00093 const OffsetType &GetNeighborhoodOffset(unsigned int i) const 00094 { 00095 return m_NeighborhoodOffset[i]; 00096 } 00097 00098 const unsigned int &GetSize() const 00099 { 00100 return m_Size; 00101 } 00102 00103 unsigned int GetStride(unsigned int i) 00104 { 00105 return m_StrideTable[i]; 00106 } 00107 00108 ParallelSparseFieldCityBlockNeighborList(); 00109 00110 ~ParallelSparseFieldCityBlockNeighborList() 00111 { 00112 m_ArrayIndex.clear(); 00113 m_NeighborhoodOffset.clear(); 00114 } 00115 00116 void Print(std::ostream &os) const; 00117 00118 private: 00119 char pad1[128]; 00120 unsigned int m_Size; 00121 RadiusType m_Radius; 00122 std::vector<unsigned int> m_ArrayIndex; 00123 std::vector<OffsetType> m_NeighborhoodOffset; 00124 00127 unsigned int m_StrideTable[Dimension]; 00128 char pad2[128]; 00129 }; 00130 00246 template <class TInputImage, class TOutputImage> 00247 class ITK_EXPORT ParallelSparseFieldLevelSetImageFilter : 00248 public FiniteDifferenceImageFilter<TInputImage, TOutputImage> 00249 { 00250 public: 00252 typedef ParallelSparseFieldLevelSetImageFilter Self; 00253 typedef FiniteDifferenceImageFilter<TInputImage, TOutputImage> Superclass; 00254 typedef SmartPointer<Self> Pointer; 00255 typedef SmartPointer<const Self> ConstPointer; 00256 00258 typedef typename Superclass::TimeStepType TimeStepType; 00259 typedef typename Superclass::FiniteDifferenceFunctionType FiniteDifferenceFunctionType; 00260 00262 itkNewMacro(Self); 00263 00265 itkTypeMacro(ParallelSparseFieldLevelSetImageFilter, FiniteDifferenceImageFilter); 00266 00268 typedef TInputImage InputImageType; 00269 typedef TOutputImage OutputImageType; 00270 typedef typename OutputImageType::IndexType IndexType; 00271 00272 itkStaticConstMacro(ImageDimension, unsigned int, TOutputImage::ImageDimension); 00273 00274 typedef typename OutputImageType::PixelType PixelType; 00275 00276 typedef typename OutputImageType::RegionType ThreadRegionType; 00277 00280 typedef typename OutputImageType::ValueType ValueType; 00281 00283 typedef ParallelSparseFieldLevelSetNode<IndexType> LayerNodeType; 00284 00286 typedef SparseFieldLayer<LayerNodeType> LayerType; 00287 typedef typename LayerType::Pointer LayerPointerType; 00288 00290 typedef std::vector<LayerPointerType> LayerListType; 00291 00293 typedef signed char StatusType; 00294 00297 typedef Image<StatusType, itkGetStaticConstMacro(ImageDimension)> StatusImageType; 00298 00301 typedef ObjectStore<LayerNodeType> LayerNodeStorageType; 00302 00303 typedef Offset<itkGetStaticConstMacro(ImageDimension)> OffsetType; 00304 00308 itkSetMacro(NumberOfLayers, StatusType); 00309 itkGetMacro(NumberOfLayers, StatusType); 00310 00312 itkSetMacro(IsoSurfaceValue, ValueType); 00313 itkGetMacro(IsoSurfaceValue, ValueType); 00314 00318 itkGetMacro(RMSChange, ValueType); 00319 00320 protected: 00321 ParallelSparseFieldLevelSetImageFilter(); 00322 ~ParallelSparseFieldLevelSetImageFilter() {} 00323 virtual void PrintSelf(std::ostream& os, Indent indent) const; 00324 00326 ParallelSparseFieldCityBlockNeighborList < NeighborhoodIterator<OutputImageType> > 00327 m_NeighborList; 00328 00331 static double m_ConstantGradientValue; 00332 00334 static ValueType m_ValueOne; 00335 00337 static ValueType m_ValueZero; 00338 00341 static StatusType m_StatusActiveChangingUp; 00342 00345 static StatusType m_StatusActiveChangingDown; 00346 00349 static StatusType m_StatusNull; 00350 00353 static StatusType m_StatusChanging; 00354 00357 static StatusType m_StatusBoundaryPixel; 00358 00363 typename OutputImageType::Pointer m_ShiftedImage; 00364 00369 LayerListType m_Layers; 00370 00374 StatusType m_NumberOfLayers; 00375 00377 typename StatusImageType::Pointer m_StatusImage; 00378 typename OutputImageType::Pointer m_OutputImage; 00379 00381 typename StatusImageType::Pointer m_StatusImageTemp; 00382 typename OutputImageType::Pointer m_OutputImageTemp; 00383 00385 typename LayerNodeStorageType::Pointer m_LayerNodeStore; 00386 00388 ValueType m_IsoSurfaceValue; 00389 00393 ValueType m_RMSChange; 00394 00397 virtual void GenerateData(); 00398 00403 void CopyInputToOutput(); 00404 00406 void AllocateUpdateBuffer() {} 00407 00410 void Initialize(); 00411 00416 void ConstructActiveLayer(); 00417 00419 void InitializeActiveLayerValues(); 00420 00424 void ConstructLayer(StatusType from, StatusType to); 00425 00427 void ProcessStatusList(LayerType *InputList, StatusType ChangeToStatus, 00428 StatusType SearchForStatus, unsigned int ThreadId); 00429 00434 void PropagateAllLayerValues(); 00435 00443 void PropagateLayerValues(StatusType from, StatusType to, StatusType promote, 00444 unsigned int InOrOut); 00445 00450 virtual void InitializeBackgroundPixels(); 00451 00455 void ThreadedAllocateData(unsigned int ThreadId); 00456 void ThreadedInitializeData(unsigned int ThreadId, const ThreadRegionType & ThreadRegion); 00457 00467 void ComputeInitialThreadBoundaries(); 00468 00470 unsigned int GetThreadNumber(unsigned int splitAxisValue); 00471 00473 void GetThreadRegionSplitByBoundary(unsigned int ThreadId, ThreadRegionType& ThreadRegion); 00474 00477 void DeallocateData(); 00478 00480 struct ParallelSparseFieldLevelSetThreadStruct 00481 { 00482 ParallelSparseFieldLevelSetImageFilter* Filter; 00483 TimeStepType* TimeStepList; 00484 bool* ValidTimeStepList; 00485 TimeStepType TimeStep; 00486 }; 00487 00492 void Iterate(); 00493 static ITK_THREAD_RETURN_TYPE IterateThreaderCallback(void * arg); 00494 00499 inline virtual ValueType CalculateUpdateValue(const IndexType, 00500 const TimeStepType &dt, 00501 const ValueType &value, 00502 const ValueType &change) 00503 { 00504 return (value + dt * change); 00505 } 00506 00508 void ApplyUpdate(TimeStepType) {} 00509 00512 virtual void ThreadedApplyUpdate(TimeStepType dt, unsigned int ThreadId); 00513 00515 TimeStepType CalculateChange() 00516 { 00517 return NumericTraits<TimeStepType>::Zero; 00518 } 00519 00522 virtual TimeStepType ThreadedCalculateChange(unsigned int ThreadId); 00523 00527 void ThreadedUpdateActiveLayerValues(TimeStepType dt, LayerType *StatusUpList, 00528 LayerType *StatusDownList, unsigned int ThreadId); 00529 00531 void CopyInsertList(unsigned int ThreadId, LayerPointerType FromListPtr, 00532 LayerPointerType ToListPtr); 00533 00535 void ClearList(unsigned int ThreadId, LayerPointerType ListPtr); 00536 00539 void CopyInsertInterNeighborNodeTransferBufferLayers(unsigned int ThreadId, 00540 LayerPointerType InputList, 00541 unsigned int InOrOut, 00542 unsigned int BufferLayerNumber); 00543 00546 void ClearInterNeighborNodeTransferBufferLayers(unsigned int ThreadId, unsigned int InOrOut, 00547 unsigned int BufferLayerNumber); 00548 00556 void ThreadedProcessFirstLayerStatusLists(unsigned int InputLayerNumber, 00557 unsigned int OutputLayerNumber, 00558 StatusType SearchForStatus, 00559 unsigned int InOrOut, 00560 unsigned int BufferLayerNumber, unsigned int ThreadId); 00561 00563 void ThreadedProcessStatusList(unsigned int InputLayerNumber, unsigned int OutputLayerNumber, 00564 StatusType ChangeToStatus, StatusType SearchForStatus, 00565 unsigned int InOrOut, 00566 unsigned int BufferLayerNumber, unsigned int ThreadId); 00567 00569 void ThreadedProcessOutsideList(unsigned int InputLayerNumber, StatusType ChangeToStatus, 00570 unsigned int InOrOut, unsigned int BufferLayerNumber, unsigned int ThreadId); 00571 00573 void ThreadedPropagateLayerValues(StatusType from, StatusType to, StatusType promote, 00574 unsigned int InorOut, unsigned int ThreadId); 00575 00578 void GetThreadRegionSplitUniformly(unsigned int ThreadId, ThreadRegionType& ThreadRegion); 00579 00581 void ThreadedPostProcessOutput(const ThreadRegionType & regionToProcess); 00582 00593 virtual void CheckLoadBalance(); 00594 00597 virtual void ThreadedLoadBalance(unsigned int ThreadId); 00598 00600 void WaitForAll(); 00601 void SignalNeighborsAndWait (unsigned int ThreadId); 00602 void SignalNeighbor (unsigned int SemaphoreArrayNumber, unsigned int ThreadId); 00603 void WaitForNeighbor (unsigned int SemaphoreArrayNumber, unsigned int ThreadId); 00604 00607 // void WriteActivePointsToFile (); 00608 00610 unsigned int m_NumOfThreads; 00611 00613 unsigned int m_SplitAxis; 00614 00616 unsigned int m_ZSize; 00617 00620 bool m_BoundaryChanged; 00621 00623 unsigned int * m_Boundary; 00624 00626 int * m_GlobalZHistogram; 00627 00629 unsigned int * m_MapZToThreadNumber; 00630 00633 int * m_ZCumulativeFrequency; 00634 00636 typename Barrier::Pointer m_Barrier; 00637 00639 struct ThreadData 00640 { 00641 char pad1 [128]; 00642 00643 TimeStepType TimeStep; 00644 ThreadRegionType ThreadRegion; 00645 ValueType m_RMSChange; 00646 unsigned int m_Count; 00647 00649 LayerListType m_Layers; 00650 00652 LayerListType * m_LoadTransferBufferLayers; 00653 00655 typename LayerNodeStorageType::Pointer m_LayerNodeStore; 00656 00657 LayerPointerType UpList[2]; 00658 LayerPointerType DownList[2]; 00659 00662 LayerPointerType** m_InterNeighborNodeTransferBufferLayers[2]; 00663 00666 void * globalData; 00667 00669 int * m_ZHistogram; 00670 00674 typename Semaphore::Pointer m_Semaphore[2]; 00675 00677 unsigned int m_SemaphoreArrayNumber; 00678 00679 char pad2 [128]; 00680 }; 00681 00683 ThreadData *m_Data; 00684 00687 bool m_Stop; 00688 00693 bool m_InterpolateSurfaceLocation; 00694 00695 private: 00696 00697 ParallelSparseFieldLevelSetImageFilter(const Self&); // purposely not implemented 00698 void operator=(const Self&); // purposely not implemented 00699 00702 bool m_BoundsCheckingActive; 00703 }; 00704 00705 } // end namespace itk 00706 00707 #ifndef ITK_MANUAL_INSTANTIATION 00708 #include "itkParallelSparseFieldLevelSetImageFilter.txx" 00709 #endif 00710 00711 #endif

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