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itkExtractImageFilterRegionCopier.h File Reference

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namespace  itk
namespace  itk::ImageToImageFilterDetail


class  itk::ImageToImageFilterDetail::ExtractImageFilterRegionCopier< D1, D2 >


template<unsigned int D1, unsigned int D2> void ExtractImageFilterCopyRegion (const typename BinaryUnsignedIntDispatch< D1, D2 >::FirstEqualsSecondType &firstEqualsSecond, ImageRegion< D1 > &destRegion, const ImageRegion< D2 > &srcRegion, const ImageRegion< D1 > &)
template<unsigned int D1, unsigned int D2> void ExtractImageFilterCopyRegion (const typename BinaryUnsignedIntDispatch< D1, D2 >::FirstLessThanSecondType &firstLessThanSecond, ImageRegion< D1 > &destRegion, const ImageRegion< D2 > &srcRegion, const ImageRegion< D1 > &totalInputExtractionRegion)

Function Documentation

template<unsigned int D1, unsigned int D2>
void ExtractImageFilterCopyRegion const typename BinaryUnsignedIntDispatch< D1, D2 >::FirstGreaterThanSecondType &  ,
ImageRegion< D1 > &  destRegion,
const ImageRegion< D2 > &  srcRegion,
const ImageRegion< D1 > &  totalInputExtractionRegion

Copy an image region (start index and size) for the case where the source region has a lesser dimension than the destination region. This version is "smart" in that it looks at what dimensions should be collapsed. This information is passed in the parameter totalInputExtractionRegion. Any values within totalInputExtractionRegion.Size that are zero correspond to the dimension to be collapsed.

Note that the use of source and destination reflect where where is information is coming from and going to. When used in the pipeline mechanism, the region requested by the output of a filter is used to define the region required on the input. In this case the output of the filter is the source and the input of the filter is the destination. Definition at line 78 of file itkExtractImageFilterRegionCopier.h.

References itk::ImageRegion< VImageDimension >::GetIndex(), itk::ImageRegion< VImageDimension >::GetSize(), itk::ImageRegion< VImageDimension >::SetIndex(), and itk::ImageRegion< VImageDimension >::SetSize().

template<unsigned int D1, unsigned int D2>
void ExtractImageFilterCopyRegion const typename BinaryUnsignedIntDispatch< D1, D2 >::FirstLessThanSecondType &  firstLessThanSecond,
ImageRegion< D1 > &  destRegion,
const ImageRegion< D2 > &  srcRegion,
const ImageRegion< D1 > &  totalInputExtractionRegion

Call the base class version: ImageToImageFilterDefaultCopyRegion Definition at line 50 of file itkExtractImageFilterRegionCopier.h.

template<unsigned int D1, unsigned int D2>
void ExtractImageFilterCopyRegion const typename BinaryUnsignedIntDispatch< D1, D2 >::FirstEqualsSecondType &  firstEqualsSecond,
ImageRegion< D1 > &  destRegion,
const ImageRegion< D2 > &  srcRegion,
const ImageRegion< D1 > & 

Call the base class version: ImageToImageFilterDefaultCopyRegion Definition at line 35 of file itkExtractImageFilterRegionCopier.h.

Generated at Sat Mar 31 02:35:39 2007 for ITK by doxygen 1.3.8 written by Dimitri van Heesch, © 1997-2000